This seems to be a pastiche of many charities that we have all contributed to. If I'm honest. Just look at the Executive pay structure of all the major charities if you have any doubts.
Although I don't agree with everything you say, when you appear on TV all seems ok with the World. When I can feel comfortable with someone I politically oppose it makes the thought of my political enemies governing me much more bearable. And I thank you for that.
Thanks Ed and thanks Jo, also thanks too Cathy for your gushing sycophantic interview. In their own words the architects of the current energy crisis. Preventing UK self-sufficiency on the altar of virtue signalling. But it won't affect them of course.
Hmmmmm ....... did you afford the same sympathy for Boris Johnson for staring at a slice of birthday cake presented to him at his normal place of work in front of normal colleagues? No, of course you didn't.
Excuse me. As your raison d'etre is to protect birdlife when have you ever questioned the logic of wind-farms and the damage they do to birdlife, particularly migratory birds? Of course you will not reply.
A parody account surely? The £350m per week has long since been surpassed and this is £200m on top. This is easily provable though I guess you'd prefer I drew you a picture? With Crayons.
Owen's fantasy world is crashing down around him - a bit like when he stormed off the set at Sky News following the Pulse massacre in Florida.
You should be more ashamed to be such a vociferous supporter of the EU given the way they are treating Hungary and its people at present.
I see you've investigated this one far more forensically than you did the Starmer qiz and beer party. Did you put all your top people on it?
But they're good at making political history in Peterborough. After all they did provide the 1st ever MP in the Commons to wear a criminal ankle bracelet.
'Their'.... but I did like the music pre-2001 despite Michael's political leanings. BBC even turned to him on the eve of the Bush/Gore election on a Question Time special he was on the panel. Celebrity views are quite frankly as relevant as yours or mine.
To have played an active part in the Slave trade you would now be long dead. Particularly since we were the first Country to make it illegal and nearly bankrupted ourselves enforcing that law. So do we agree that I am not responsible???????
He didn't. He was at Chequers recovering from his hospital stint. Didn't return to Downing St till the 26th. Surprised you're being taken in by the Remainer media if I'm honest.
This years NHS budget = £201bn. That is more than 25% of the County's entire budget. I wonder when George would consider it 'properly funded'?
As if you get to speak for 'everybody' - stand for election to something if you want to speak for people. Until then you don't speak for anyone but yourself.
You see Paul, this is why I like you. You're a staunch Labour man but you don't fall for this constant shit from some of the Party MPs or other Members. You're a fair man & I like that. Gives me hope.
Perhaps you and your 27 followers would prefer to be speaking German now under the Swastika Banner. Then you would probably be happy.
Not very nice when those who dish it out get some back is it Nadia? I'm sure the Jewish community are delighted by this news. As I am.
Not wishing to start any sort of row or argument but I think I need educating. When did Photo-synthesis become a bad thing? It's all very confusing. I thought plants were a good thing? And they need CO2 right?
Thank goodness he wasn't surprised by some cake. On his birthday. By his wife. At his normal place of work. With people he worked with all the time. The police and media would have had a real field day. You hypocrite.
Not really a problem anymore for those that do get it. It is a weak flu at the worst for most. Had it 6 weeks ago - 2 days of discomfort then back to the grindstone. It will always be around like the flu. No need to wear a mask as they don't work anyway. Be respectful to others.
Mr Robot was calm, assured and intelligent was he? Did he do his Alan Partridge smile to the camera? Well I, for one, cannot wait for when your expectations come crashing down to reality when he becomes PM and faces *real* pressures and *real* scrutiny day after day after day.
I think I'd like to become an Opposition Politician. It has to be the easiest job in the world. Demand everything, exercise hindsight in all your interviews and have to implement absolutely nothing - with all of the pay and perks of those in Government.
I'm never one to defend the narcissistic Farage (so I won't) but I'm not listening to
again whilst they still give a platform to Communists
Do you want continued illegal immigration Lizzy? Just interested to know? And if so, how long for ....... do you want continued illegal immigration? Just so I have it on record, you understand? Look forward to your reply?
I don't know if you've been taking notice Isaac but Europe has been rather busy with these 'small' terrorist attacks in the last 3 years.
I will forward this to Owen Jones. Also please set up a crowdfunder if he does take 'legal action'. I will happily contribute (I'm a non-Jew)
They're being taxed at 75% and the leftists still aren't happy. I think they still hark back to the glorious 98% Super Tax under everyone's favourite Uncle Harold Wilson.
How about as a Country we decide how that money is spent rather than some unelected people in Brussels? Ooh and it's £367 million by the way
Why oh why do you let your interns publish pieces like this? They might seem good at video editing but they soon get found out. See
for details of the full video.
Well, I'm not one of those people and I know with my heart of hearts that there are so many people like me. You have more support than you realise.
I do hope you'll be sending a large part of the settlement to the Everard Family? That would be the right thing to do. After all, they've been through an awful lot more than you. And this is what this was all about. Right?
Or you could flip it on it's head and say those that want the vote for 16 yr olds claim that Begum could not possibly have known what she was doing. She was a week from her 16th birthday when she absconded. Agree Richard?
The thing everyone's going to see from this whole unsavoury episode is that JRM acted sensibly and did his utmost to break up a fight. The protest really backfired.
Erm .... they did wait a few days. They did exactly that. If they wanted to they could have turned Gaza into a flattened carpark, filled all the tunnels with concrete and sat back. If they wanted to. But they warned the Palestinians to leave the area first. Gosh you are shameless
When I was 8 years old my Mum took me into her work at The Cedars Hospital in Nottingham and didn't say why. The entire Dad's Army cast paid a visit to the Cedars that day. I was so thrilled.
They should be civilised like in EU Spain, what with the Bullfighting and Bull-running hey? And if certain reports are true then Bestiality will also be legal there soon.
Thanks Mike you've kept me sane in 2019. Someone that spoke for us in a media world that has largely ignored us. My only port of call at 10am on any morning - particularly with that other grunt on LBC. Merry Xmas!
And UK coffers paid out via Barnett to fund Scotland NHS, Benefits, existing Pensioners while you're part of the Union etc etc. Like her predecessor I'm really not sure she's thought this through has she?