cara tuhan ngasih tau kalau jarak antara kita dan kematian itu ga lebih jauh dari sepanjang galah adalah; dengan memanggil lebih dulu orang orang yang ada di sekitar kita.semoga hidup kita semuanya berkah dan bermanfaat.
komentar kaya gini klo ama prof intro do logic gw dah di babat abis, pasti kayanya gini “what a very uncharitable way of interpreting an argument. as it is u can’t build ur own arguments to counter one’s, so u make ur own way to make others arguments seems wrong!”
makanya dari dulu lebih prefer tokped krn refund nya gampang, uang ug dikembalikan langsung masuk ke saldo tokpedd. dan emg udh ber kali" kejadian dan sampe sekarang ga pernah ada problem sama proses refund nya.
just remaine silent, believe me, u can't force a conversation, u shouldn't. at least for me. the best idea will always come at the right time with the right person
I need to flourish my nothing-to-lose mentality. mengingat bahwa eksistensi gw di universe ini akan slalu insignificant, dan ga mempengaruhi apa².jadi gapernah ada salahnya untuk nyoba banyak hal, take the risk, gamble on all opportunity, meet new people, and make lots of friend
kalo nginutin logika begini mah gampang aja counternya, jago mengadakan perhelatan = jago ngurus negara. lah ya drpd parpol yg sok nge-EO suruh berkuasa, ya mending sekalian suruh aja semua EO gede yg ada di indo jadi pengelola pemerintahan wkwkwkwk
sejelek-jeleknya msib, gw masih ngerti urgensi nya.but iisma?simply dengan uang segitu there r more low hanging fruits to grab yg mtiplier effect nya lebih gede buat society dibanding state funded jalan jalan satu semester ke LN. eg lower ukt, higher gaji guru, better schools.
lembaga yg harusnya jadi benteng perlindungan pertama masyarakat dari kerusakan moral akibat pengaruh media mainstream, ternyata internal lembaganya sendiri rusak moralnya. wwkwkwkw. apa yang mau diharap?
ikut organisasi
jangan terlalu milih temen
aktif di kelas (keliatan tolol gapapa)
ikut ekskul yg bisa lomba
mulai dipikirin kedepannya mau dibawa kemana diri lu, tapi jgn sampe gara" mikirin itu lu malah stress, sewajarnya aja.
enjoy, masa sma cuma 3 tahun sekali seumur hidup!
sering" try out, lu bakal tau lu masih lemah di materi mana. buat bahan evaluasi, buat belajar make modul inten, buku wangsit. kalo video pembelajaran lewat zenius sama YouTube
“saya kuliah ubc”
- terkesan sombong
- sok elit
- tidak dekat dengan akar rumput
- anak inter orkay vibes
“saya kuliah di okanagan”
- di pedalaman
-dekat lembah2
-jauh dari pusat peradaban
- banyak ogopogo
- kemana-mana naik
mobil 6 jam
tutorial menjadi alumni yang baik:
1.buka HP mu
2. buka app Twitter, ( ingat yg akun publik)
3. tweet :
4. like dan retweet tweet2 yg mengandung 2 hashtag diatas
thank me later🙏
Respectfully, I disagree with the phrase "silent majority" currently under the spotlight. To me, terms like "silent apathist," "silent stupist," or “silent ignorist" seem more fitting.
semakin kesini semakin percaya bahwa untuk semua anak kuliah, harusnya diwajibkan untuk dapat paparan twrhadap wawasan lingkungan, seengaknya setingkat intro to envitonmental science/sustainability atau physical geography.
Going to a school with an extremely high tuition fee sometimes feels like u r studying with a gun pointed to your head. u gotta make sure not a single penny is wasted
there’s just too much of things happening in this world, and guess what? we don’t need to know every single thing that happens. for example: bla did b. bla have c, bla fight with d. just stfu, u know what? awalnya emg takut ketinggalan banyak hal sih, u know what? i survived
saatnya berpasrah kepada tuhan yang maha mampu membolak-balikan hati.
semoga semua, terlepas memilih siapa, senantiasa dijauhkan dari tindak pikir pemimpin yg dzalim dan sewenang wenang terhadap rakyatnya🙏
cape bgt jelasin ke orang klo faculty of arts itu bukan fakultas/sekolah seni
gw dikira kuliah jurusan seni mulu anjrr wkwkwkkw
prolly, the only artsy thing abt me is air seni lmao
a good part of having a dad who works in political stuff and is a good writer himself is that i can just hand my essays to him, wait, and it will turns into a high quality piece of art🙏🥰
saya berjanji saya besok akan menyelesaikan semua reading list, pergi ke gym, makan sehat, sholat ,ngerjain tugas permika dan nyicil bljr midterm. tapi malam ini kita tidur dulu yg nyenyak
hidup ini indah is a constant reminder that life is indeed beautiful. surely u will face (a lot of) problems, some r easy, while some requires more energy to solve. but hey! live while it last, embrace every moment, enjoy every second, dont strive for perfection! u will be good!
i can accept a defeat, what i cant accept is that if these 2 koalisi oposisi bubar and join l jadi 1 koalisi besar pemerintahan sama 02; bagi-bagi kursi menteri, dirut bumn and jatah proyek again.
regresi demokrasi dan etika yg sudah nyata akan semakin nyata
adulting is actually seeing someone who bullies u at jhs becomes sampah masyarakat ☠️ bro never even asked for forgiveness after i moved out. pas itu sekali dia chat ig ouuta nowhere mau minjem duit fafifu, then gw jawab: ga
list of food stalls i need in kelowna to keep my sanity level on normal terms:
1. rm padang apapun itu
2. soto boyolali hj. fatimah
3. nadi uduk wak mameh
4. kedai date kambing bang pandi
5. warteg barokah
6. tenda stmj deket tunjungan
7. nasi goreng cak bandi
to be cont
i used to pray for worry-free days like these, i used to had problems with people’s judgement and opinions about me, my personal insecurities, negative self talk, and over worrying about the future. i used to felt weird things inside my chess happening at any moment for no reason
social media is no more fun when its starts to take control over u. I' ll be off from twitter for a few days. (3/4 prolly). what meant to be a safe place turns out to be the main source of anxiety LOL. btw, selamat lebaran buat u semua, semoga selalu diberkahi rahmatnya.
darul ulum was peak life
good friends, good time, to be terppar to dawuh2 pak kyai everyday.
blm merasakan lagi perasaan tenang dan damai yang sama sejak terakhir mendengar azan shubuh dari masjid induk.
penyesalan terbesarku adalah g sungguh2 pas mondok, hafalan imrithi gapernah tuntas, nashor jg ga sepenuhnya paham, surat khos jg masi belom apal, ngaji juga sering tidur dll. bersyukur dulu pernah mondok & se krasan itu, klo disuruh milih pulang apa di asrama, pasti pilih asrama
info A1, keributan beberapa hari terakhir soal putusan mk dan ruu pilkada adalah bagian dari power struggle antara prabowo dan mulyono. one wants to get rid of his belenggu; cuz what’s the point of becoming presiden boneka. the other aims to extend his power beyond his prez term
so this month will be the announcement of sbmptn,ksn-k ,ldbi n nsdc, n final test??? good luck to whoever u are n whatever u're fighting for!! may the struggle worth the prize
dulu gw di marahin guru2 pas kelas 12 krn ga prnh kumpul tugas yg belain gw salah satunya bu laila, dulu gw ribut ama rois pas kelas 12 di depan gsg yg bikin gw ga di hukum adalah bu laila. semoga beliau senantiasa si beri ampunan dan di tempatkan di tempat terbaik di sisi Nya🙏
I can't imagine being a parent, struggling to death working to provide the best life for my kids,to later see them outgrow me. being a proud parent watching them becoming more independent and smarter. then suddenly having to let them go, to let em pursue the greater good in life
the best thing about being sick at home is that there’ll always be my mom who will take care of me no matter what other schedule she had. this is what i can’t get in perantauan. sakit di perantauan means me and only me that can take care of my miserable ass
di prank KSN sudah biasa.
di prank soal pendanaan beasiswa itu yang luar biasa.
here is a question;
kenapa diawal sosialisasi BIM ga langsung dikasih tau aja kuota pendanaan yg akan didanai 100 persen berapa anak?
gw udh terlanjur lepas SNMPTN dan vakum sbmptn LOL
Poin surat ini:
(1) Kemenkominfo tidak dapat memulihkan sistem dan data KIP Kuliah pada PDNS2,
(2) Kemenkominfo tidak memiliki cadangan (backup) terhadap sistem dan data KIP Kuliah pada PDNS2.
(3) 853.393 orang harus mengulangi unggah dokumen data dukung. Delapan ratus lima puluh
well, ga semua sih, banyak juga yg menyurakan hak2 perempuan beneran. but i get ur point wkwkkw (mostly yg irrasional ga beralasan=feminazi bau tai) the worst type of human to ever exist on earth
a decision that i took in a rush, just bcz I'm scared that i'll not pass the LoA selection (bcz my bidang is not saintek, therefore takut ga di prioritaskan). without having a deep thought about it, I applied. to whoever yg seat nya gw ambil, I'm sorry🙏
everything went to a downfall for me at the beginning of november last year, so many terrible things happened to me all at the same time. still never morally healed till now, eventhough i am so much ahead of my last year self rn, perhaps i should start embracing the winter more?
Over the past few months, I've been on an incredible journey of trying new things,traversing new places, tasting unfamiliar delicacies, reconnecting with old friends, meeting online friends face-to-face, and even making new ones.