After husband left us for a young colleague out of nowhere, despite living a horrible nightmare, I managed to write ERC proposal on a new project in 2 months while being the primary carer of 6yo and 4yo. Today, I am the best 😊 (even if the proposal is not funded)
DEBiLab turned 1 few days ago! During this first year, we achieved: 1 paper, 1 big grant, 6 student grants. I am so proud of my team! And as a birthday present, we got lab space! (although still temporary until they renovate another building..)
Super-proud of my PhD student Nik
who was awarded 2-year student grant for his project on mole-rat chromosomes! (story behind: I asked him to write it very last minute as I panicked I would not get any grant for our research).
We are in Heidelberg!
with our posters. If you are interested in oocytes and TEs in non-model mammals, come to talk to us!
We are hiring! In addition to
, we are also looking for a PhD student
working on developmental epigenetics of mole-rats and other nonmodel rodents!
Watch this space for official advert, and send me a message if interested
A fascinating talk by
on rodent-y mole rats can inform us about improving the longevity of female fertility. Is it time to move on from mouse?
Our lab also has a representative at the
! If you want to learn about TE evolution in African mole-rats, come to poster 10 during the first poster session!
Ďakujem Pamätnému grantu Martiny Roeselovej za správne nakopnutie a podporu po návrate do práce po dvoch materských pri ukončovaní postdockého výskumu a generovaní prvých dat do svojej budúcej skupiny.
Je to také první článek, který vzešel z její letos založené laboratoře
, v níž se Lenka Gahurová se svým týmem zaměřuje na evoluci a molekulární mechanismy samičí plodnosti u dlouhověkých nemodelových druhů savců. 👏
Off to
, first talk at an international conference as a PI! Looking forward to listening to great science on non-model species, but also wellness facilities :)
Mňa tiež dosť štve, koľko človekohodín vedcov v ČR je premrhaných na takéto debility, namiesto robenia vedy, a mám pocit, že vo výsledku moju kariéru negatívnejšie ovplyvňuje príprava tohto konkrétneho grantu než celý koronový lockdown :/
Not able to be at
myself because of family commitments, but our amazing
is there presenting her project about mouse and mole-rat ovulations! If you want to know more, come to her poster at today's poster session!
My friend had a colleague who went to such conference 6 or 7 years ago to find out (after arriving to the destination) there was no conference (they just took registration fees).
My (likely) last first author research paper is out! Featuring
, showing my postdoc work at
. Next paper will be about mole-rats!
Less than a month to the official start of our group! Without grant unfortunately (recommended for funding, but not enough money...), but with a lot of enthusiasm, passion, data to be analysed, and most importantly amazing team and great collaborators!
for a very successful MSc. thesis defence, I was a very proud supervisor! Also it means we will have a "new" very capable Ph.D. student soon!
On the other hand, my husband always gets super-excited comments from females any time he looks after our kids/talks to our kids - basically just for engaging with kids in public, kindergarten etc. I never get such comments.
We are hiring!
We are looking for a
to study epigenetic reprogramming in female germline of naked mole-rat, its hairy cousins and other non-model rodents!
Start July-October 2024.
Huge congratulations to Jakub
, Anja, Laura, Eliska and Vilja for their successful student grant applications!
had the best application overall!
Off to Turkish adventure, collecting blind mole-rat samples with amazing
and his amazing team! Oh and by the way their lab is on the seaside and weather forecast says 20C.
Interview (in Czech) with me and Tereza Novotna Jaromerska, another laureate of Martina Roeselova memorial fellowship supporting young parents, especially mothers, in science.
Lenka, PI. A mother of two, getting rest from work when with children, and getting rest from children when at work. Also loves reading books, doing sports, and has a large collection of succulents and cactuses, and pretty stones.
Big congratulations to our BSc. students Anja, Vilja and Laura for successfully defending their theses! Also, we welcomed a new PhD. student in the lab, Triet, and soon we will welcome one more!
Júlia, incredibly dedicated and hard-working undergraduate distance intern.
In addition to analysing our data and her studies on the other side of the planet, she finds time for learning French and German, playing piano, acoustic guitar, bass and kalimba, and napping.
Excited to announce that we will officially start our scientific adventures as an independent team in January 2023! Developmental Epigenetics and Bioinformatics Lab, studying epigenetic regulations in early development and female reproductive aging in non-model mammals.
I am proud of every single paper that has come out of my lab, but this one feels truly special.
This time, we asked: How to build a gliding mammal?
Led by the stellar
, I am happy to share our latest work, out in
Please see 🧵👇
Paja, undergraduate student.
Newest member of the team, a mother of two cats and plenty of plants in the garden. Recharges the best while reading or spending time in nature.
Eva, MSc. student with golden hands.
When not moving oocytes and embryos around, she paints, plays the piano, raises cat, and creates social media content about baking, travelling and her collaboration with a fashion designer.
Kuba, new MSc. student in the team.
He likes taking photos (of both people and nature), collects stamps and enjoys music (and hopefully also enjoys transposons!)
Nik, bioinformagician :)
Juggles studies and scientific research with a drive for sculpting, miniature painting, and woodworking. When not working, he loves to lose himself in reading high fantasy and playing Dungeons and Dragons or World of Warcraft.
Congratulations to the lab first MSc. student Jana
for successfully defending her thesis, scaring state exams committee by telling them off for asking too difficult questions, and starting a job as a junior researcher at
A very cool paper showing that we can learn a lot about evolution and epigenetics by looking at non-model species with innovative bioinformatics approaches :)
Freshly back from annual leave - and excited to see our recent article in
is out online!
Huge congrats to Elise Parey, who led the awesome work & a fitting 10-year collab anniversary with colleague and friend Diego Villar!
Lenka, new undergrad student in the team.
In addition to biology, her interests comprise art, cycling, working out, reading books, spending time in mountains and playing PC games.
Jana, MSc. student and a stable rock(star) of the team (but finishing soon, unfortunately!).
Knows all the techniques, everything works in her hands. Loves Japanese culture, running, swimming, poweryoga, snowboarding, reading fantasy or travelling books.
Thank you
for one of the most scientifically beautiful and strong talks we had at our department! And for your inspiring insights about being a woman in science, being a PI and generally being excellent :)
If you work with non-traditional rodents/mammals you may be interested in our new paper, now out in
. We describe TIGER, an in vivo genome editing method that can be used to generate knock-outs and knock-ins in a simple and efficient way.
For me, it made a huge difference whether I left the child in daycare crying, or happy-looking. So I always made sure I did not leave when they cried, but only when they are distracted by the "teachers". I felt much better for the whole day.
Commuting (it is 10 km run or 11 km bike), or just after work when with children (like do 50 jumping squats, then do something with children, then 20 burpees, something with children etc).
Alyssa, first PhD student who started a month ago! Outside work, she likes watching movies, reading fiction and knitting, and also going for walks and searching for yummy food.
Ako hlavná slabina od českého oponenta bolo uvedené, že mám prekryv so žiadosťou o Junior Star (čo som deklarovala, a že samozrejme prijmem len jeden), napr. že tam mám uvedené, že data získané grantom využijem pri ERC žiadosti, a že to sa do Standardu nepíše
Once I contacted the corresponding author (middle aged man) of a pre-print to ask for some data relevant for our project. We arranged a Zoom call. He was happy to share the data, but he asked me at least five times during the call (not exaggerating) if I really was the PI.
No, ja s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou tiež žiadam neúspešne, ale snažila som sa 😁 Škoda, že nedávajú aj cenu útechy za snahu, to by som si zaslúžila :)
Laura, another new undergrad student for a one-year project. When not working, she loves driving her car Lilly, travelling, painting and drawing, and watching TV. Welcome to the team and enjoy your time in Czech Republic!
My sme jej to nedávno hovorili, keď bola na JČU (že OP JAK je katastrofa, a v podstate tam zaznelo všetko, čo je napísané tu). Vyzerala trochu prekvapená (ale nie príliš), a v každom prípade nepovedala nič, čo by naznačovalo, že naša spätná väzba bude akokoľvek reflektovaná
Last but not least, undergraduate student Michaela. Loves travelling, especially to the seaside, spending time with friends, has a sporty soul and enjoys watching history-themed series.
We are recruiting a postdoc for a fully funded position in our group in beautiful Copenhagen! We encourage anyone interested in
to apply.
Deadline: 17 September
Apply here:
Please retweet!
Finally out! Postnatal oogenesis leads to an exceptionally large ovarian reserve in naked mole-rats | Nature Communications Thank you to all our collaborators Ned Place,
Vilja, our new undergrad student for a one-year project. She likes to travel, explore local food, hike and visit cat cafés. Welcome to the team and enjoy your time in Czech Republic! :)
My son does it with me (in his baby way, not real ones), so I have to push myself to manage as many as him, not to lose with a 2-year old... :D But yes, it kills me, so I usually do it in the end!
Thank you! Also, my love for bioinformatics that strongly shaped my career definitely stems from the only (but the best!) bioinformatics course I had during my studies, as I enjoyed it so much! :)
Last week, our amazing and hard-working BSc. students of Biological Chemistry programme, Anja, Vilja and Laura successfully finished their research projects with plenty of cool results! Enjoy the summer and good luck with writing your theses! We will miss you!