This is fake I think. If u ask snap AI, it will tell u ur location. As long as the app has permission dude porlly just changed his settings
It's hard to even argue with a black bc the points u make are so stupid it's not even worth it. U brought up a bunch of non factors thinking you did something. With out White people you'd be living in a hut still
Are you really this dense ? You think it's some random group ? They have the same uniforms, bc it's a members only group that requires a uniform and dress code. They also encourage members to get in shape and stay active which is why there's no fatties. Get a grip and touch grass
Feds try to entrap ppl, they try and get ppl to commit acts of terrorism and get caught. They don't no violently March and name the jew. Why are you so high on copium that you think they're Feds?
A white child, with 2 loving white parents. She has a severe disease and supposedly the positive comments really help her feel better. real gay look
Actually that's not true, evidence suggests white ppl evolved in Europe and never came from Africa. Not to mention you're basically admitting yall are un evolved with that logic