terrrorist are playing victim card and doing acting toh whitewash thier image they are acting like we are victims but actually they are demons evil rapist terrorist chuslims and israel is doing great 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱israel knows how to deal with hazebullah demons god
all terrorisst are playing victim card and acting like a innocent victims but they are demons they hate every living and non living thing shit chuslam. everyone dnt get manipulated by talks of these. terrorist they are evil. everyone support israel🇮🇱because they are
justice is done by our
idf has announced that they killed captor of noa marciano
is always do justice. 🇮🇱🇮🇱godbless israel and everyone should see
as inspiration🇮🇱🇮🇱
Aj bhi khalastani Sanjay ko apna Bhai se bhi bda mante h orye muslim kobhi apna pkka Bhai mante hbus inhe hinduo se dikth or government se or balki Government ne hr time Inka sath diya hai so all hindu should stay united and dnt get manipulated by any other religion jaishree ram
if u support terrorist immiggrants then u are doing self destruction terror religion chiislam should be banned completely to save ur countries they are demons they hate everyone