I’m not going to talk about trackside stuff (because I don’t know for certain).
But factory side I have no idea where you’re getting this. It’s utter fantasy. The vibe hasn’t really changed in the years I’ve worked here. Winning and losing.
You’re full of shit.
Tbf, theres no part of her message I disagree. I dont see the hypocrisy either. Blaming a person for their parents actions seems wrong to me
Tell you what; tomorrow I’ll ask as many people as I can if they feel working at MK has changed for them since the ‘24 season began and I’ll get back to you. As random sample as I can manage.
Teaching religion in schools should not be allowed. Indoctrination into cults at a suggestible age is clearly ethically wrong; it’s bad enough by parents let alone schools.
I’m really beginning to hate F1 social media. It’s full of people that would never be able to cope slagging off people who actually do it.
This phone will produce some very bad photos that I’m now going to have to scroll through on social media. And just when they finally fixed people not getting things in focus.
That’s literally your opinion without fact. There’s lots of takes, you can have yours, but I wouldn’t want to work for a place that made disciplinary proceedings public for its staff.
I’m going to say something fairly controversial here; I don’t think we should be tolerant of religions. History explained, I agree. But for the sake of understanding the division, hatred, ignorance, bigotry, and bloodshed caused by unsubstantiated “faiths”.
How the fuck have we got to this? What happened to counting grams for ultimate performance? I can’t believe we’re trying to chav up F1 cars. Next thing will be a sub in the boot.
Very well presented points. A shame the people that need to read them won’t bother to try and understand. They’ll simply find a way to deny or undermine them.
Thanks for the sex ed. Now I can really understand what my girlfriend needs and improve her sex life so that she can reach her climax. Isn’t Twitter great?
I think the next thing I’ll work on is my sense of humour. Any tips with that?
I get where you’re coming from. I would be amazed if this rapper wasn’t being derogatory. But I dislike the idea of a group “claiming” words in the dictionary as theirs, when there is already a clear and official definition which belongs to all.
My grandfather went to France once; in a glider, at night, under fire from German AA, and then crash landed - told me that was the “easy” bit. What came after he didn’t talk about much.
I don’t think I can be more disgusted of the man your country has chosen to represent you.
I don’t know which “English” you’re talking about but why would the average English person think like that? We can’t even get a mortgage let alone conquer another country.
I hit this on a winters night in rush hour and heavy rain.
I actually couldn’t work out what the fuck was happening let alone how to deal with it.
What you’re not seeing is raw race pace. Today Max put in 30 odd seconds on everyone. Immediately broke DRS in a single lap and without fucking the life of the tyres. And I wonder what engine mode he’s in doing it. No ones going to show their hand until they have to.
Pretty fair comment from Toto really. Plus I think everyone forgets how we all thought Lewis was crazy to go to Merc. It wasn’t as if they’d won a string of championships when he made the decision.
While I agree the managers should face some sort of punishment, it doesn’t prevent this happening again. Clearly senior leadership of any trust will be biased to some extent. Perhaps all boards need to have someone entirely independent as a safety mechanism.
Anyone ever seen a chicken cross a road?
Why pick a chicken for that joke out of all the other potential creatures?
Is this joke actually.. a riddle?
I thought that car was for Bella because it was “safe” and she’s so precious and vulnerable, etc? Or, perhaps I’m imagining this and it’s V for Volvo but also… vampire.
There are plenty of doctors, nurses, fire service, police, teachers, and soldiers that do considerably more for considerably less that are much more deserving of recognition.
The only reason we think knowledge of sex needs to be protected is because we’re smothered by stigma and years of misunderstanding. If we taught it better they’d be much less issues.
It’s the same today as it was a month ago. People are just getting on with work and are largely not that fussed either way. There’s a bit of talk about AN going but not much. Everyone is pretty chill about it.
Dubai is a thin veneer of wealth over third world poverty and systematic racism. They’ll spend money on the tallest or the biggest (anything) to look good on the world stage but they won’t actually look after the people that make it.
For legal reasons I think I’ll keep that to myself. But I don’t want you sitting at the start of the runway feeling nervous you might be on a plane that wasn’t up to spec.
They’re all made to the same exacting standards.*
*Comes in on budget.
My grandfather would often be found just looking out at his garden for hours. A quiet, honest man who loved to grow flowers and make his grandchildren toys.
Poor bloke.
Still not entirely sure about the motivation any government would have to keep people locked down other than not crippling the NHS and killing lots of people.
Working class Brits gets as fucked over as anyone else. It’s not the country it’s the class.
That said, I don’t have a problem being called a Brit. Or a man. Or straight. I’m always going to be boxed in with cunts one way or another.
That’s because it’s not the greatest country in the world. The greatest country in the world doesn’t need guns for protection from... each other? Their own government?
Not having to arm yourself to go to school is a pretty obvious prerequisite of being “civilised”.
I was once told there’s three times as many negative describing words as there are positive ones in the English language which I think says a lot about our culture and how established negativity is.
I’m sat in the restaurant at RB looking around at everyone getting on with their day, mostly content even in a busy turnaround.
Nothings changed. At all. When we won everything last year is no different to today. Sure you’ve got normal movement between teams. Nothing new though
This is an absolutely perfect answer. What I find odd is that there’s an expectation men and women have to see things the same when we’re clearly different. Besides, If you want to pay someone a compliment it’s about what they think is important. Not the person saying it.
How long do you think it takes to design and manufacture a new floor?
I guess we could sit around and just run the car as is? Wait… criticism incoming for doing nothing then.
Can’t win.
Because - having worked in the defence industry - there are layers and layers of waste and inadequacy. There’s “quality assurance” for the sake of it. It’s an industry bloated with incompetence and profit chasing rather than a trying to execute critical missions.
While I agree these type of troops should not be subject to infantry phys targets, there should still be a minimum fitness expectation (perhaps not a “test”).
Having at least some physical capability should be encouraged in general society, let alone the military.
I really like LH which is a big statement given I work for Redbull, but to say he’s had a clean weekend is a strange thing to say after sending his front jackman into the background.
Taken by a close friend who later died of cancer. Something about this night always chokes me up because I didn’t know what would happen.
But that’s me in my natural environment.
Interesting concept Merc not being the best because Ferrari had stronger competition. If Merc werent as strong then the competition would by comparison appear stronger. You could argue that the lack of competition demonstrates just how much Merc have outperformed their rivals.
People saying it would never happen have obviously forgotten Lewis leaving McLaren. I remember being absolutely shocked when it turned out to be true and everyone (including myself) thought it a ridiculous move.
You never know for sure.
Its not the education system its the culture. We form a “belief” and then set out to find facts that support it. Anything else is fake news. We band together with likeminded people to reinforce our beliefs and ignore (at best) people who disagree. Actual critical thinking is gone
Played it at my dad’s funeral. He loved that song. Makes me smile in appreciation of both the song and my dad at the same time when I hear it.
You have no idea about this so why say it? It’s just you making stuff up about something you’ve no part in whatsoever. You’re quite literally spouting lies.
Letting civilians carry mil grade weapons in this situation is absolute lunacy. It only takes one undisciplined finger and it'll be combat.
I really don’t want this to seem confrontational but isn’t it weird how ppl just accept information these days?
Which scientists?
Using a “brain scanner”?
How are misfortunes tested?
I guess it is a true statement.. but can we stop instantly believing everything we read?
Education is an institution that kills curiosity rather than cultivates it. Much of it is no longer relevant. Being told “you won’t always have a calculator” is now a ridiculous notion. Data interpretation is key in a world overflowing with information.
Unless you have some very specific needs all camera makes are about the same. I shoot nikon because I’m bought into it and used to how they work so I don’t have to think about it when shooting.
At the end of the day it’s whatever feels natural in your hand.
Looks like they’re using something like araldite which you can actually cure off with a heat gun in sort of 10mins or so. The problem is getting the bond surface clean in a situation like that. Doesn’t have to be surgically clean but any dust will compromise how well it holds.
It’s too partisan. No one in the pitlane or involved with F1 directly has any hate for others. A guy who joined HAAS turned up at our Xmas party last year as someone’s +1. We were all pleased to see him. Fans these days need to have respect for everyone not just their top driver.
Thing is, there’s always people who don’t like their job everywhere I’ve ever worked. So of course no everyone is going to enjoy it. And it’s F1 so it’s genuinely shit at times. But… most people have a laugh I think. It’s pretty laid back usually.
Imagine living in the land of the free where they call the police on a person trying to confirm what has happened to hundreds of children.
Way to go you guys; you’re now living in a dictatorship.
I think he’s trying to wriggle out of a lyric he thought no one would really mind and got called on it. And I think that’s fair to do if it’s the case.
Can a group of people contextually own a word? Perhaps?
It started with a sentiment that some people had more rights than others. And as resources became scarce some said that one group didn’t deserve a share. Because it was easier to take away from that group than find a solution.
And no one stopped them.
Let’s hope we do better.
Wouldn’t cost that much to design a Bergen around the load. At some point you’re going to have to man pack it so why not accept it and find ways to make it easier.
No one ever really knows. The hardest part is understanding that’s the viewpoint from his current situation. It could be he’d have regretted it the other way too. Even hindsight doesn’t show the full story.
Actually can’t believe how harsh people are with dates. Perhaps the rule should be if you’re not prepared to cut people a little slack you’re not that into them in the first place?
So what if it is a prayer rug? What is that statement inherently saying? The president is basically going with the assumption that anyone using these is some sort of extra threat?