what's your ideal type?
1. woman >>>
2. older
3. dont care
4. taller than me
5. doesn’t matter
6. okay with/without it
7. back to point 6
8. if it’s in healthy amount
9. depends on what
10. both
11. absolutely no
drop an emoji for questions!
senang rasanya kalau diberi update tentang kegitan apa saja yang dilakukan sepanjang hari disaat aku gi sibuk.. like you still thinking about me even tho i cant respond to your text quickly???
eh ya Allah jadi inget this one girl who was once close to me. she told me she wasnt ready for a relationship when a week later she posted an insta story with her bf.. babiii lu. she said she couldn’t do ldr PADAHAL DIA KETERIMA KULIAH DI DEKET RUMAHKU???
Anw, liptint dari feyrely yang oren sama merah vampir itu maaf aku lupa shadenya apa.. warnanya bagus cuman tuh gampang ilang padahal belum dipake beraktivitas. LALU, BLUSHNYA DARI JEDAR COSMETIC POKOKNYA YANG PINKKK! SUPER PIGMENTED SUKA!!
update: aku abis jatoh lagi ya Allah.. memar sebadan bjir.. aku gak pantas dapat musibah kayak gini. masa hari-hari jatoh.. semoga jokowi yang jatoh mati abis ini