Hepl rt‼️
/want to sell yg tag only jp treasure
✅ Garut, bisa shopee
✅ Keep no dp
✅ Harga di pict
❌ Pack + adm
tags. Wts wtb wtt yg tag only red white onyx grey Japan ver reboot treasure hyunsuk jihoon yoshi junkyu jaehyuk asahi doyoung haruto jeongwoo junghwan
Mostly damage boleh nego🤏
want to sell
- light stick black pink (unof)
- charger Samsung x black pink (ofc)
- LS BTS (unof) connect bluetooth
- LS ikon (sudah di deco)
teume, ini ada yang mau ga?
Bayar pack aja 5k sama adm 11%, tapi damage kaya di pict🥲🥹 kalo ada yng mau langsung dm aja ya. co di 2.2
tags. Pc jihoon ygtag reboot