愉しさ伝えるをテーマに勝手にBEVエバンジェリスト活動中。快適なBEVライフは自分の手で創る!をテーマにBEVオーナーを増やすべくJapan EV Meetupを開催して非BEVユーザを招いてます! Japan EV Meetup Organizer. 充電インフラ整備に一言申したい。 EV、ガジェット大好き中年。
Official announcement.
124 EVs & 38 ICEs Total 162 cars and 250 visitors gathered at Mt. Fuji to share about pleasure of EV.
8.5MWh (87k cells) gathered at the same place!
Japanese EV lovers are here! Plz say something to us!!
Wonderful Tesla owners in Japan. They not only believe in cars of Tesla but also the bold mission of Tesla. Congratulations for successful event.