Why Korea can't live without foreign products, but K-entertainment is so xenophobic towards foreign idols? Korea cancelling idols for dating but when it comes to NOT supporting gen0cide, they don't care?
Bol4 yang ngajak Giselle ye, bukan SM yg ngasih job nyodorin ke Giselle. Ntar ada narasi member sedekah job ke Giselle, SM nyogok biar Giselle bisa collab sama nulis lirik lagu.
BOL4 mentioned
on her IG live earlier she also talked about how she approached Giselle for collaboration and said giselle writes the lyrics for rap part herself and recording the guide on her phone even though she was busy with her schedule 🥹🫶🏻
Kalo minho mah ya gmn yaa, dia kelar wamil kalo kagak dijemput sama si pink juga keknya bablas jadi marinir, kalo kagak jd idol jg pasti jd atlit professional. Ibarat tekad+energy 100 orang dikumpulin di badan minho seorang 😀😌
the staff blurring the general public but not blurring your and your friends faces is proof that NCT finds you a nuisance. Just enjoy their music, you and your friends don't deserve to be called fans. You guys are just shameless stalkers!🤮🤢🤬
Tolong kurang-kurangin asbun ‼️
Jangan sampek keasbunan lu itu ngerugiin idol lain, ngerugiin member lain. Giselle udah pernah jd korban manusia asbun, sampek keasbunan itu naik jadi berita di media Japan+Sokor.
Giselle yg dapet hate, Giselle yg kena drag, Giselle yg dirugikan‼️
lose interest in music, forbidding her to play the guitar, not giving her examples of beats and notes when she asked them to make a Keep Goin song, not giving individual schedule. Could the agency that was supposed to create a spotlight for her idol-
Sangking keren dan boomingnya nih unit, tiap Giselle gk dikasih job music or anything alesannya "kan Giselle udah ada zoo" padahal nih collab udah mau 3 thn dan di thn itu pun yg dapet collab SMCU bkn cuma Giselle 😌
Ternyata Ottolinger udah ngejar dari era spicy, pantes thn lalu dateng ke pfw nya.
Giselle come to PFW 2023:
1. Dituduh beli kursi dah cleared
2. Dibilang unknown brand, itu yg bilang pasti miskin.
3. Brand lungsuran: buat idol siapa aja yg nanti announced as BA Acne Studio or -
Ottolinger reposted Apple TV+ reels of aespa's Get Goin’ teaser and also tagged aerichandesu and aespa_official.
Giselle was wearing their collection in the clip!
aeri if u see this, please watch out for aeteams that spread toxic positivity. Peoples who make u feel safe so that u don't realize how many opportunities came your way but were rejected by SM so that u get the image talentless idol-
#지젤 #ジゼル
"Dapat memicu sentimental banyak pihak, dengan kesimpulan adanya potensi perdebatan."
Dasar playing victim mentality + penyebar hoax!
Dari pengalaman sebelumnya postingan dgn narasi (terkait rap) & konten serupa dapat memicu sentimental banyak pihak. Dengan kesimpulan adanya potensi perdebatan.
aerishines has never forbidden or asked
to dating, it's her private life and we as fans will respect it cause dating is a human thing for a human being.
aerishines just doesn't like it when dating is used as a way to hurt and attack her.
If G is not ur fave, leave her‼️
She wants those cunty tweets so bad? The choreography remained the same, turning the head steadily as Ning hit the high notes. Which part of the choreography did she change to make the members look messy?
Instead of trying to defend aespa from other fandoms, u choose to blame G.
Warning buat aerishines indo, Bendera Indonesia gaboleh dibikin begini ya. Kalo mau nyetak banner cukup pakek foto nona muda uchinaga yg beauty aja.
Meskipun ae dateng di bln agustus, tetep jaga nama baik Giselle dan hormati filosofi Bendera negara kita.
Giselle where's your eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush on and lipstick? r u not an
member so the aeteam doesn't dress u up to look as flashy as the other 3 members? r the fans too demanding of u to have a good hairstyle, makeup and outfit?
Thank u Aeri Uchinaga a.k.a Giselle
Thank u for deleting the post & thanks for humanity❤️
Please be kind & don't be ignorant of the world's issues as u have a great influence as an idol.
We, aerishines love u so much.
OTTOLINGER + ACNE Studio dibilang brand ijbol unknown brand, Loewe dibilang brand lungsuran. Impact Giselle sebesar itu kan tiap muncul di public? Jgn kan brand, collab aja sesukses itu ampek semua individual schedule fave nya ketutup sama collab sebiji Giselle yg diungkit mulu😌
aespacore kali ini banyak yang pake koleksi ottolinger, padahal tahun lalu giselle dibilang dateng ke pfw nya brand nugu sama fans" sebelah eh sekarang idol nya pada pake brand nugu yg mereka bilang🤭 untung mereka ga disuruh cium kaki giselle sama aerishines 😂
ur in high demand n ur talented. ur just in an agency that limits u, doesn't give u the spotlight n opportunities. U can write n composed songs, but
doesn't give u a studio n sample beats. behind your back the agency is blocking the collab from coming.
YOOOOO I just watched kyuhyun knowing bros episode discussing about Kyuhyung leaving SM and he’s spilling a lot of tea sjshshsh he really said “I got many commercials now since I left SM” damn😭😭
So far, I see that NCT main rappers have always gotten ample opportunities to showcase their rapper skills. Only in
the main rapper lost her identity cause of the agency treatment. The other members can do parts outside of their positions, but only
Biasalah dia mah mau bikin huru-hara aja
Di ig jg komen nya sama aja
tanpa nonton full nya
seneng bgt sih bikin cerita"sedih" buat idol nya
Giselle rambut lu kan lagi ditata, muter palanya jan all out ntar dihate over power. Trauma nich pas rambut lu digerai sendiri pas muterin pala sesuai choreo malah dibilang over power, out beat, ngerusak choreo, mau keliatan so cunty sendiri 🐒
“Wait until the release” “its just a higlight medley” “The promotion is not over yet, there are still plenty of ads”
So what did
get in the spicy era? Bad clothes and hair, 0 individual schedules! screentime? Line distribution? please it happened too many times.
I didn't want to talk about this at first since it was still the highlight, but then, from the 4 minutes clips, we barely got to hear her lol do you have any idea how hard we have to squint while silently praying that her part comes next? and we did this every. single. time.
Clearly, it's not about the low demand that comes with my fave. It's about an K industry that's proven to be xenophobic, limiting individual schedules, a huge income tax, and restricting idols from showing more talent. China, Japan, Thailand or any other country, I hope y'all
Buy concert tickets, buy albums to win fansigns, watch their dramas/movies, buy the products they advertise, and come to their fan meetings. That's a more respectable endeavor you can put in if you like NCT or any idol. Attention seeker! Its so Freak and you looks like loser!🤮🥴
Kalo pas teaser Giselle likenya gk paling bnyak, kok gaada yg nuduh beli like ya? Pas teaser better things sama teaser supernova yg baju ijo kmrn like paling banyak, muncul oknum nuduh aerishines beli like. Tp kalo likenya gk lebih tinggi dari member lain gaada oknum yg berisik🤔
G record lewat hp bkn di studio secara proper make me dejavu with Keep Goin song. Itu lagu bisa dibawain di Tokyo Dome krn effort G yg dipersulit buat sekedar minta sample beat lagu, akhirnya dibantu sama senior Wetboy. aerishines gk bakal lupain orang" yg baik ke Giselle.
Cause she was born as an only child with the Golden Spoon. a smart girl, pretty, young, rich, popular even in school and being a trainee, humorous, talented and kind. So that the haters are looking for many things to vent their jealousy over her disappointing life on Giselle.
It's hard to be a fan who has fave that the agenshit doesn't want. Bad outfit/hs/make up, no solo gig, no music projects, no CF. If I wanted my fave to leave SM, 'MICE OT4' would call me an akgae, but honestly i just want my fave to be treated well n get support for her career.😔
since y’all still wanna downplay our concerns for giselle, here is aespa’s music / dance related solo schedules this year bec it’s not only abt “one time rap thing”, it’s the constant mistreatment from sm
I know ur disappointed that your fave weren't given collab by SM, just as aerishines disappointed that Giselle is the only member with the least individual schedule in 2023 and not a single project in 2024. Those feelings of anger are often felt by aerishines towards SM
Looknya kek udah waktunya Giselle buat ambil alih kerajaan bisnis Clan Uchinaga sebagai pewaris tunggal, krn papi mami uchinaga udah ngasih batas waktu Giselle buat 'main' di dunia entertain😌
Yang norak udah pasti akgae + kaum delvote, kaum itu itu doang. Pdhl yg dibilang k word tuh juga dipakek fave nya bahkan semua member di dress whitepinkblueyellow 😪
So far, I've seen NCT rappers always get enough Screentime n LD. Only in
did the main rapper lose her identity due to the treatment of the agency. In this VT, SM doesn't feel the need to bother showing Giselle rapper skills n only includes hahaha as a part. n 9s?
Knp ganti usn? Kan udah famous sbg akgae K yg problematik, masa mau ngilangin jejak biar usn nya gak ditandain lagi
Jd inget sama yg berkoar paling bangga punya previlage eh tetiba ganti usn jg, sekaum sih emang🥴
mau liat gk manusia yang otaknya jorok dan kotor yg gak bisa fokus ke biasnya sendiri???
nih baca ajaaa, bahkan gue yakin di antara mereka ini mostly gendernya cewek
kek mesum muluk pikirannya
Is K Stan so upset that Giselle gets so many compliments? G stan only praised Chopard's campaign photos which are always satisfying with the bonus of all items worn by Giselle being Sold Out, she still belittles by bringing up the engagement or GAP IG followers and fancam.
wonder why people is always on their business maybe only if they know how to fact check and not spread information to fit their narrative and ideology that their fave is
and a
despite it not being true
Jgn nyeret Giselle di news yg lagi naik skrg. Krn waktu Giselle keseret rumor, aerishines fokus cari sumber pertama rumor. Gausah membela diri dgn bilang 'cuman jokes', nyatanya kalo Giselle kena hate kalian lgsg ngilang. Kita semua tau antar solostan gampang kebakar.
Mgkn ini alesan SM bakal debutin grup" baru, krn gayakin idol yg udah lama bakal stay krn loyal ke LSM. Ini nih alesan adanya 'love hate relationship' dikalangan fandom, love kekeluargaan yg di ciptain LSM, tp hate Management SM. Masing" grup bikinin 'Label' macem LabelSuju sama-
I missed my idol Giselle who had various hairstyles, straight hs throughout the year in teasers, MV, exhibitions, photoshoots, concerts, season greeting made me bored to guess 'surely she will have straight hair again'. Just like G is the only member who always wears long sleeves
stop watching other idols' concerts and seeking the attention of other fandoms. It's better to spend your money to support your idol, don't just be poor fans who drag idols to war🥴
Solo album?
better give Giselle individual schedule first, send her to fashion event or individual magazine shoot before aespa concert in Tokyo Dome 😒
What a different response from the OT4 base? It's no wonder that the fandom always underestimates Giselle impact whenever the products used are Sold Out, as the base embodies that and instills the mindset that Giselle individual impact is not as great as the other members.
That shouldn't stop mua from giving an effortless look.
was in public with lots of lighting & camera flashes, among the 3
members, G eye makeup was always plain, no lipstick and no blush either. Fans want a surprise appearance whenever their fave perform in public
With this, the rumor that
is a nepo baby was debunked. How could a nepo baby be treated like this? Thank u
for clearing up the rumors about Giselle.
They know how to increase brand value by appreciating the users or the face of the brand itself. Unlike some 'brands' that carry out marketing tricks in the dirtiest ways, which blatantly exclude the 'face' of the brand.
#지젤 #ジゼル
really hate
and J line.
SMent = Xenophobic agenshit
JFans, please boycott agenshit that treat idols from your country badly.
SM just drains your money for concerts and MD but wastes J idols.
From this To this
Please treat Giselle well
Throughout her life Giselle has always been given facilities and all the best by the Uchinaga family, don't continue to treat Giselle badly just cuz she is an idol under contract
#지젤 #ジゼル #えりちゃん
Giselle sama Ningning itu solois dari SMent, not a member of aespa. Ingat SM tidak menyukai fave mu. Don't expect to much kalo kata D.O. sunbaenim 😄👍 meminimalisir kit heart 🤡
As a aerishines, I would like to thank u for always trying your best and being the fastest in all of Giselle public appearances so that all aerishines can see her. Giselle must feel very lucky to have you as fans who always support her. Please love Giselle for a long time,
Kalo Haeun gk debut under SM, ntar member SMNGG yg trainee nya paling singkat jgn dihate ye, jgn di fitnah ngambil tempat pick kalian.
Inget, bagus di mata awam kita gk sebanding sama mata elang tim professional dibidang entertainment sokor especially SM.
the staff blurring the general public but not blurring you n your friend faces is proof that NCT finds you a nuisance. Just enjoy their music, buy albums n come to fansigns. You n your friend don't deserve to be called fans. You guys are just shameless stalkers! Attention seeker!
be the one to harm her the most?
never fails when it comes to discriminating against its own idols. Instead of highlighting all the group members, is still an agency that only highlights a few members. Making their idols question their worthiness and being belittled
Gw bungsu perempuan umur 26, ortu dah pisah tp pada blm nikah lagi. Kalo lagi diluar dpt VC bapak, atau kalo pulang malem dpt tlfn ibu. Tmn/relasi kerja gw gaada yg julid ttg strike or not ortu gw, mereka justru mikir gw di 'eman'. Mereka jd paham gabisa treat gw sembarangan.
Enggk mengecilkan Brand yg dipakai idol lain sbg "unknown brand" cuma karna kantong kalian as fans miskin gak cukup buat ngejangkau brand itu.
aerishines as Giselle fans, sangat berterimakasih sama Acne Studio and OTTOLINGER krn udah ngundang dan ngebuktiin demand G at PFW 2023.
UR FAVE IS N and u dragged Giselle just for using her face as a pfp while insulting another idol. FUCK YOU‼️
Please tag whoever dragged Giselle yesterday cause of this moron.
Recently i visited the WET BOY acc, n i was touched every time i saw the fans who really love G, fans didn't forget to thanks the people who provided help n showed their concern for G. G TT Challenge is something that fans have been waiting for n cause G got help in Keep Going.
When another idols Base helps protect Giselle, it is something that is very valuable to us as aerishines. Preventing damage from fans throwing hatred at each other 'in an effort to protect the idol'. Let's be fans who let our idols interact comfortably in front of the camera.
Even mf harmless about
mistreat pun Kstan selancang ini.
Gstan tukang protes? Gstan akgae ae paling toxic nyerang member lain? dgn bukti ini Kstan lah stan paling toxic itu, kalo gk ngerendahin secara kasar ya diem-diem berusaha buat ngubur fakta mistreatment Giselle.
Fitnah G beli kursi at PFW, ngehina bilang sumbangan job dari fave nya, ngatain gaada impact eh trnyata krn pengen biasnya yg di lirik brand. Kek gaboleh bgt kalo idol lain yg di treat bagus, disayang dpt atensi brand.
ur idol not center of universe n ur idol deserved fans waras!
I think that several times the fans gave the AE team a warning, especially the hairstylist Yoon, would make them stop giving Giselle the boring look of straight hair. and give a fresh/creative look at every concert.
Ada kesebut nama fave lu gk dituh mf?
Sempet rame shiper ttg G masuk base GB, tujuannya buat bikin Gstan nih macem kuman dimata stan GB, udah kebaca sumber yg ngirim mf.
I don't hate ur fave, i don't care anything about her, but remember this ur fave not center of universe!
It's reported that former and current executives of SM were among the 18 people listed as suspects by FSS special judicial police.
5 people: Jang Chulhyuk, current SM CEO, Jang Jaeho (CSO), Lee Sungsoo (CAO), and Tak Youngjoon (COO).
'im happy that it came out as it is'
since last night Giselle has always made a clear statement that she wants equal n fair treatment like all members
right? If
is a competent agency, it should encourage all members equally to strengthen the fandom.
050523 🌙💭
(video) behind the scenes^^
selama syuting tuh gue seneng banget deh, terus keluar (tayang) videonya tuh seperti yang gue harapin!!! Semangat ya buat nonton videonya🖤 Selamat hari jumat~ selamat hari anak~!
coba lu pantengin nct official nder, soalnya Giselle member nct u. Rap nya lebih banyak di zoo soalnya, kalo di grup yg skrg cuman magang.🥴
Y'all can create content about Giselle, but don't disrespect other idols, which angered other fandoms when the idol worked with Giselle. 'Mice OT4' always makes content about Giselle knowing that everything related to her will get hype, but only for Giselle to get hate!