ATTENTION GIRLS: There’s a guy going around twitch asking to sing to female streamers. He brings a whole group of his viewers that are aggressive and rude even when you kindly decline :)
Don’t be afraid to say NO because what he’s doing is absolutely R U D E
Today I stood my ground against one of my most loyal T3 viewers who probs won't come back. My own integrity > anyone/anything. It took a long time to build up the courage to stand up for what I believe in instead of trying to please everyone so I'm taking this as a W 🥺
Announcing that I am officially an
Super excited to be powered by the 13th Gen Core Processors because Gaming Happens with Intel! 😎
O I just got voice and chat banned in Valorant? I have never abused someone in this game ever unless it was to defend myself. Love that I get the ban when I ALWAYS get the sexist comments and get told they'd do bad things to my mum 🤠
Why are some streamers such snakes? Love that they have so so many mutuals who just don't know what they're truly like. Why is it so hard to be a good person :)))