im watch1ng th1s sh0w and s0me g1rl is l1ke "we w0men are t0ld we have t0 ⭐️ve 0uselves f0r a man" g1rl preach and all but im ⭐️v1ng myself t0 BE a man thats n0t g0nna w0rk 0n me
i k1nda feel bad m0m sa1d "bella im gett1mg b0red 0f lettuce wraps st1rfry and vegg1e burgers what else w1ll u eat" my m0m l0ves c00k1ng but i d0nt eat anyth1ng she makes anym0re :( its hard bcs i cant eat it. as1de fr0m the ed im vegeter1an and have s0 many f00d icks it males it
well umm i might have rlly fvcled up :// if this is goodbye and they put me in ed prison know i love you all very much and will find a way to get to u guys aging
my m0m has g0tten used t0 c0mm1ng h0me and f1nd1ng me go1ng insane tear1ng apart and re 0rg1n1z1ng rand0m sh1t at the speed 0f l1ght then suddenly st0pp1ng and leav1ng the ent1re area inpr0ved. im wa1t1ng t0 catch her say1ng s0meth1ng l1ke "thats the d0wns1de 0f hav1ng a k1d w1th
shes als0 l1ke "i kn0w youre bad at c0mmun1cat1ng and cant t0uch cert1an textures and cant c0nrt0l t0ne and hate meet1ng new pe0ple and have been advanced f0r your age and g0 th0ugh peri0ds 0f 0bsessi0n and d0nt understand a l0t 0f s0cial cues but you ARE NEUR0TYP1CAL"
s0 i g0t these th1ngs and i d1d the m4th and everyth1ng and its 68 c4ls f0r f0ur amd 0nly 17 c4ls a p1ece. and theyre b1gher than r1cecakes. i w1ll be try1ng these later but i m1ght have f0und a new €dtwt staple f00d
i w4nt h1m t0 he|p me w1th my m4th h0mew0rk and t3ach me h0w t0 r1de a b1ke and c0ngrajulate me 0n my gr4des and c0me t0 p4tent t3acher c0nferences and c00k br3akfast t0gether and pa1nt a shed and r3ad me a bedt1me st0ry
pverged on my dirty basement floor into plastic bags multiple times . or once i was sitting in the cafeteria no eating and my primcipal gave me the " you need to fuel car " thing and made me get in the lunch line
flat chest , smaller lips , symetrical face , clear skin , fangs , hair that would pick one texture and stick to it , be less pale , no eye bags , and longer fingers ive halwaus felt like i have short fingers
my shameless ed / sh headcannos that like 2 people asked for a few weeks ago . dont attack me im only im the middle of season 4 so some might not line up but im also just a fixated 14 year old on the internet