Udah doxxing salah sasaran kontol goblok bego anjing bangsat emang kosa kata sehari hari gua, kalo lu tersinggung berarti lu nya aja yang sensi digituin
hoi happy new year kalian. Thank you for being here, and thank you for made it through another year. May all the good things come back to you ya 🙌🏻
Stu**twt are minors glorifying toxic positivity and unhealthy obsession towards academics - and it’s “platformed” by adults through “education startups”. Let kids be kids, let teens be teens.
I love myself when I'm with you, because I don't feel the need to restrict myself, I don't need to pretend and force anything. I love your persistence. I love all your stupid jokes. I love talking to you about anything and everything. I love you.
👦🏻: JakiAya Sticker Pack?
👨🏻: Oh iya, boleh satu ya. Ini ibunya ga ditawarin?
👦🏻: Tapi ini JakiAya Sticker Pack
👨🏻: Lah iya kan tadi saya udah bilang satu. Tapi ini ibunya ga ditawarin?
Sekali dayung, dua-tiga pulau terlampui. Sekali ngadmin, agenda double date ini berhasil kita rampungkan. Daripada LOLOstressed sendiri, mending berempat sambil pacaran kan? 🗿
Enih ya dikit aja, flis jangan judge gua. Terakhir gua ke sunib kayanya itu ayam udah ga ada dah. Dulu gua doyannya ayam spices, seminggu bisa 4 kali makan ayam selimut jir
Lucuan Cheryl 🥺
Lady lu rame banget orangnya, makasih udah ngepost foto teko aer gua waktu itu. But sometimes you give off cold vibes yang bikin gua rada susah ngobrol sama lu, tapi gapapa mungkin emang kita kurang banyak ngobrolnya. Ngobrol? 🥺
My friend here is looking for a person to share affection with. If you are looking for a companion, go check this out. Any help like retweeting the tweet will be a big help. Thank you!
plus minus temenan sama aku — (+) si yang paling selalu ada ; lagi-lagi good at giving advice, tapi ini serius sih gua selalu suka cara lu ngejawab pertan…
Just like you, who knows to embrace every part of me, I promise you I’ll do the same. Selamat tanggal 15 yang ke-4, sayangcuy
. I love you ❤️
Bokap gua pernah ngajak gua ke kota buat ngeliat marching band, katanya "Nak, ketika kamu tumbuh dewasa apakah kamu akan menjadi penyelamat bagi yang hancur, yang tertindas dan yang terkutuk?"
Just finished watching First Love on Netflix. It took me for awhile to finish the whole series because I'm not-so-into a slow pace romance series. But, it turns out I love how the series is so comforting, relaxing and makes me want to fall in love with someone all over again.