I was pregnant & once got a second hand lamp from a boy in year 3. He had obviously wrapped it himself. He told me it comforted him when he was scared in the dark and hoped it would comfort my baby. Teaching kids is THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD!!!!
I lived in USA also in the late 80s. Spent the next 30 years in Australia. Went back to the USA for 2 years during covid for work! Loved it! But now back in AUS and dreaming of being back in the USA! Who wants to offer me a job?
Well I want a rabbi for my children, and a imam for my neighbour's children, and a swami for my friend's children ... oh hang on ... I can see a problem here. I know! Why don't they hire a non-denomination school counsellor or psychologist? Who will tell them?
He completely epitomises to me the out of his depth middle aged white male who has been promoted above his competency … purely because of privilege and connections. But I might be wrong?
But ... she's a "living woman". She says she is being discriminated against because she is a woman? Where's the logic that takes her there?
Those damn QR codes that you use to check in are a scam. They erase your memory. You go into the supermarket to get bread and milk and you leave with chocolate and chips.
I’ll give you IKEA and raise you Bunnings. In Australia we have even better. A hardware store that has a sausage sizzle in their parking lot. Sausages wrapped in a slice of bread folded over. It’s an institution. (Raises money for charity).
Society started referring to teachers as superheroes because they’ve outsourced everything to us while passing it off as a compliment instead of actually paying us what we’re worth or trying to make our work more manageable.
I am a teacher so I am crying! I was at a restaurant yrs ago & my Yr 10 boys ran past, saw me & shouted my name, then went to get the whole class who ran past shouting my name.I turned to a famous person in the corner & said, “& you thought you were famous.” It was Russell Crowe.
I am appalled by the scavenger hunt but that is a long bow to draw. I sent my children to private school (for many reasons) but NONE of them was to teach my children how to hold "others in contempt". That is a ridiculous thing to say.
I bumped into him at the pool shop. I gave him a piece of my mind about the Biloela family. He looked shocked. I started thinking maybe I had the wrong person. He was wearing a mask. 😂
I’m watching the interview between
and Scott Morrison. He is so prime ministerial, so clever, so calm and composed. And the other one is our actual Prime Minister.
I'm supposed to come home end of March from Los Angeles. I'm a proud Australian. I only work in America - it's my livelihood. My husband and children live in Sydney. It's how I support my family. Some people's lives are more complicated. People shouldn't judge.
I have a doctor friend working at a Santa Monica hospital CA. He told me if you’re unvaccinated you will get delta. That’s how transmissible it is. He is talking USA but I think we’re also in trouble.
😂 My daughter babysat 2 kids 3 & 6. Called me because they woke up. I went to help. Parents came home. Imagine their surprise to see their child’s principal in their lounge. Told the 6 yr old he had quite the story to tell on Monday. He looked confused. Didn’t know me. 😂
You’ll like this word. Confelicity: a much-underused word meaning delight in someone else's happiness; the opposite of Schadenfreude. Us watching the Olympics. Especially seeing the families. Makes me cry every time.
They literally don’t have a plan and that’s what I think is most frightening. I can accept that someone thinks differently to me but not that they can’t think at all! So anxious with them in charge.
I must admit I don’t like Once either. For young children they think that rabbits are being killed - & some teachers say to protect the students. But do we really need to teach a sanitised version of the Holocaust. Maybe just teach it later?
But ... isn’t that defeating the purpose of stay at home? I’ve just come back from LA and this would definitely not be allowed. Stay at home, social distance, no get-togethers ... I don’t know ... sounds odd.
She’s so redoubtable, indefatigable, formidable, successful. Everything we feminists want from our role models. And I can’t bear her. I feel like a traitor. 🤦♀️
Year 10, giving up maths in Year 11, on a Friday afternoon, last period, summer, in a demountable without air conditioning. I’ve done this - and loved the kids - but our results. 🤪🤦♀️
To my colleagues in the public sector isn’t paying great teachers more the same as accreditation; lead, experienced, highly accomplished? There are already pathways to earn more IF you want to be burdened with bureaucratic tick boxes. More of the same?
You’re asking a father to cut his son off? It’s his son and grandchildren!!! That would make him a poor person for sure. Your children don’t always tow the line - but they’re your children. Always.
I am so sad to hear that we have lost Susan Ryan.I knew her from The Drum where it was clear how bright she was & how clearly she could articulate the important things. In her honour I honour all women who are courageous, inspirational and live their life NO EXCUSES, NO REGRETS.
As a maths teacher who has been asked over and over again, over many years, by my Year 10 students, "When will I ever need this?" I now have an answer. "To understand the next global plague mate, and to homeschool your children without looking like an idiot."
Blah blah. But you do know that if you take OMNICRON, add the letters SETATLIBB, remove the letters NORCIMO, the remaining letters spell Bill Gates. Makes you think huh? (Taken from
) 😂 🤔
I loved teaching but don’t encourage my kids to do teaching. Why? Bureaucrats, politicians, academics who think they know better. Today a 4th reason surfaced. 24 was offered his 1st graduate job as an engineer. His salary, the same as mine! Well mine after I had taught for 24 yrs
Well said. Jewish & Wentworth voter here. There is enough anti-semitism out there without Sharma’s fake & confected outrage done for political gain. He is just putting us in more danger not less. He really needs to be quiet.
Fabulous. I know a child who every day came early to his Year 12 maths class so that he could write a joke on the board. (It was my child & sadly he spent more time looking for the jokes than working on his maths. 😂) Still a legend!
Honestly the vituperative, the vacuous, the naysayers are all in the cheap seats hurling abuse at those that dare greatly. Who on earth had the playbook for a global pandemic within the worst economic downturn in decades? He deserves approbation not opprobrium.
I’m in Wentworth. And even if you’re right I’ve decided to vote based on values and character and not only on policy. You can’t fake the first.
You can only discriminate against a protected class. White, male, privileged. … hmm not sure which class that is. In an interview you’re allowed to ask questions to ascertain interests, values, behaviour that may or may not align with your company’s culture.
Of course we need to teach them behaviour (and model it, and reinforce it) but I believe, firmly believe, children are born good, want to be good, and have goodness in them. It’s not pedantic, it’s not minor. This belief is a big deal for an educator.
I have a thought. What about having a system whereby billionaires give a percentage of their income to the government to spend on health, education, transport, security etc. We can even have an organisation that collects this money annually. It’s sounds kind of fair to me.
Justifying this is saying it’s okay to deal with your anger (or embarrassment or ego or hurt or any emotion) with violence. It is a common excuse used by DV perpetrators. “I just couldn’t control my anger”. “I love her so much I got mad”. Violence is never okay.
I’ve been shocked at what she’s said. She’s been snorkelling near Manus and therefore she knows their desperate circumstances? What the?
Nonsense.We just don’t hear about the public school children’s antics because it’s not as salacious as this. I’m appalled by the list & there should be consequences but the predicable braying about private schools and their alumni is ridiculous. My two children are kind & gentle.
Who on earth celebrates when people are killed? Why is it a photo opportunity? I’m not even commenting on the verdict (I wasn’t in the court) but to go around now triumphantly proud & celebrated is appalling. It blows my mind.
Unbelievable. He deserves full marks. A contemporary solution with available technology to an existing problem. 👏 👏 Bloody impressive.
I regard it poorly and asked the teachers at my school to stop teaching it. A Jewish child “playing” in the camp. They killed them. Murdered them. Starved them. Experimented on them. One million of them.
I was overseas and we were NOT told to get back immediately. Maybe on the news here but not the advice from our embassies overseas.Some people’s lives are complicated. If the gov can’t help its citizens in dire circumstances then ...when?
This sounds like Piaget’s conservation ... and it’s seminal work because it’s true. No need to teach concepts that are beyond them conceptually ... give Mr or Miss 5 some time.
John Hattie Visible Learning and the Science of How We Learn (not the others!) and Daniel T Willingham Why Don’t Students Like School. But the book that I really loved & started me reading books on education was Dumbing Us Down by John Gatto.
Excellent! Let children “discover” the Pythagoras theorem (took decades for a group of mathematicians - but our kids are smarter than them), calculus, trig ...
I love Masterchef. I love the contestants. I love the judges. I love the way feedback is given & received. I love the camaraderie. I love its multiculturalism. I love that everyone, every culture, every cuisine is championed.
I’m in LA, USA. My husband has gone back to Sydney. He is shocked at how behind Australia is in their response. We are two weeks ahead of you at least in fighting the spread. Australia could have been minimally affected ... but no. You voted liberal!
Lol. It’s guaranteed. Today 25 leaves home to go live in Mount Isa. I’ve already redesigned his bedroom. Can’t wait to drive him to the airport. 😉
He asks what led to his mental deterioration? He mentions a few things but not the responsibility of the (his at the time) school! Delve deep into what you are imparting to your students. Same Head who campaigned for the preservation of powers to discriminate against gay staff.
Yes!!!! Tell Hamas to surrender. It’s the only way. They’ve lost. In a war someone surrenders. It’s them! Don’t they get it? Tell Hamas!!!!!!
At first, when this initially blew up, I thought change it. But it’s a tennis court named after a tennis player who achieved so much … as a tennis player! Her personal politics and religious beliefs are irrelevant - and they are beliefs held by others.
I actually think that young new graduates miss out the most with remote working. They miss out on mentoring, observing, coaching, discussion, conflict resolution, collegiality, humour; the “informal curriculum” of an office.
Emma I wrote letters published in the SMH about your egregious treatment. At the time I actually was being treated similarly - although far less publicly. But ... both of us ... onwards and upwards.
When 21 was 13 he got a PlayStation. He wanted a (I can’t even think of the other one now). I said of course I’ll change it. I did. For a beautiful pair of high heeled shoes for myself. Never gave him a present that year.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. But sadly... and this will be controversial...women can be the worst offenders (women complaining about strong women - they're too busy being a good and obedient wife, mother and employee). We are our worst critics! IT'S APPALLING.
No they tell you unequivocally that it is $3,000. Including all meals. It’s a fixed price no matter which hotel you stay at. She can’t pretend to be surprised. It’s well documented and explained.
The “mob” you speak of are eminent scientists, researchers, educators, professors. Maybe, just maybe you don’t know everything & some humility is in order. Your “guess” is not equal to evidence & research. Your job is not to perpetuate egregious stereotypes.
I’m so nervous of getting the virus because then they’ll trace where I’ve been ... & it gets confirmed what a privileged, lazy, entitled life I lead -Hairdresser, nails, wax, Woolworths, coffee with friends, lunch with mates).To be fair I’m unemployed for the first time in 32 yrs
Denise I went for a run but had to turn back after two minutes because I had forgotten something. I had forgotten that I hate running, am completely unfit, and totally unmotivated.
You want me to chose a doctor who has been in the field over fifty years building experience and expertise over Donald Trump? Poor Fauci ... I think to be in the running we will have to give him a handicap.
Here in LA we were the first school to close. We are closed for three weeks. The parents are extremely relieved that we made a decision. Using Zoom, our LMS, explaineverything, and a website to deliver synchronous and asynchronous eLearning. The teachers have been magnificent.
I’m not sure. Being recalled to explain why they knew nothing about this. Its literally their job. It’s their performance that will be under review. Then a new team will be sent back - to ensure they get their billions for AUS breaking a contract.
As a Jew I couldn’t agree more. Israel was attacked by terrorists but all of a sudden they’re at fault. Jews are now being targeted all over the world in all aspects of their lives. So thanks for this. We appreciate the support. But … hmm … not sure that’s what you meant?
How can you watch this and not think that Israel has to do something about it? How can they not defend their people? How can they let them rot in an underground tunnel? What do you want from the Israelis? Seriously.
I take umbrage at your use of the word “even”. I’d far rather hire an ex maths tutor than any government minister ... for innumerable reasons. From a maths tutor.
Oh course this makes sense. If my children are very hungry I cut the pizza into 8 pieces instead of 6. Why is this so hard for people to understand?
True story. In 1998 (1999?) I got onto a plane to QLD. I said “hello Julia” to the person sitting in the first seat. My husband said “who is that?” I answered, “the first female prime minster of Australia”. I called it early. Thank you Julia. You continue inspiring me.