thank you for being a part of my 2022, dear friends. feeling grateful for all the lessons learned and memories we've had throughout the year. this may not have been the best year, but you all made it better 🤍
this is my not so daily, i appreciate and love all my friends tweet. i sincerely thank you for all your love and support. may the good lord bless you with all his heart and keep you safe for the rest of your life. 🤍🕊️
i'm really confused by people who are mentally unstable yet have the urge to pass their trauma on to someone else. they hurt others while everyone does nothing but be kind to them.
untuk ketentraman desa mereka, dan bisa di selesain dengan bermusyawarah. bknnya malah nyerang, penduduk desa yg meminta penjelasan. dari sebab dan akibat perbuatan, itu namanya ga sopan. dunia boleh maju, tapi yg namanya peraturan, sedari awal gbs di ganggu.
loves, if you see this tweet, please leave a trace here by telling me your rp username and where we met. also, please notify me if you change your alias, you can do so by sending me a dm. thank you.
twitter was a fun place for me to ramble on about my thoughts, post updates of my daily activities, and even meet new internet friends. why did you have to ruin it with updates that we didn't really need or want to begin with...
justru karena kita berada di abad ke-21, semuanya serba mudah buat diakses, jadi anonymous itu bukan solusi, anon itu bisa dicari, apapun yg kamu lakukan itu ada jejaknya, tlg jangan denial deh, tlg bgt ya allah ngelus dada gw
i love mr. boyfriend so much and am eternally grateful to have him by my side. he is without a doubt the most kind, loving, and precious person i know; i couldn't have asked for anything more.
1. shinei nouzen (eighty six)
2. vanitas (vanitas no carte)
3. takt (takt op. destiny)
4. hashida (blue period)
itu semuanya tayang di tahun iniiii, yang 3 sama 4 masih on going!!!!
current opinion of you: thank you for being my friend and always being so nice to everyone you met. love to see that you're happy. always happy, pretty.
your nickname in my head: skuuuyla
do i like you? YeS
ever had a crush on you? nO
I hope you always surrounded by all the good things Julie. Even though we rarely talk, I appreciate your presence a lot. — likewise, i hope you will be blessed with good things. anyway, i don't say this enough, but i hope my friends know how much …