We share your ambition, pushing behond limits, doing more than expected unlocking potential. This is what we strive for every day, because your success is our success. We're stronger together! 💪
is the Official Bank of the
wins big across Europe in
's Awards for Excellence 2021.
🏆 UniCredit has been named Western Europe's Best Bank for Transaction Services and Central and Eastern Europe's Best Bank for Advisory.
: questa sera
si illumina dei colori della bandiera italiana, per esprimere vicinanza e incoraggiamento ai dipendenti e ai clienti della banca e a tutte le economie locali colpite da
forniranno al
un ulteriore contributo di 1,5mln€ per l'acquisto di mascherine, materiale sanitario e dispositivi medici necessari a combattere il virus, dopo una prima donazione di 500k€.
, una banca paneuropea vincente. Risultati di Gruppo 1Trim18, miglior primo trimestre dal 2007. La rigorosa attuazione di
genera risultati tangibili. Rundown del portafoglio non core anticipato al 2021. | LINK:
sostiene le persone, le famiglie e le imprese colpite dal crollo del Ponte Morandi di
offrendo la sospensione dei mutui e dei finanziamenti in essere per 12 mesi e concedendo una cassetta di sicurezza gratuita per le prime necessità ▶️
Condividiamo un nuovo articolo di
per ringraziare le centinaia di persone oggi in fila a
, per trovare un donatore per Alessandro 💪🙏
Con orgoglio lanciamo
, una nuova piattaforma online dove reperire info a supporto di clienti, dipendenti e comunità per affrontare questo periodo di sfide. Siamo "One Bank, One
" e siamo più forti di
ha avviato una raccolta fondi a livello di Gruppo per sostenere 3 degli ospedali italiani più coinvolti nell'attuale battaglia contro
, sia in termini di assistenza ai pazienti sia di ricerca scientifica.
: Jean Pierre Mustier, CEO
: "It is thanks to our IT team that over 45k of us could work remotely on our network. That's a record number of parallel connections, and we're preparing to increase even further"
. The CEO says: "It is an opportunity for us to stand with the LGBTQI community, reaffirming our commitment to
. We are more than 80 thousand individuals, respecting all our differences."
💬 "I'm excited to share our new business plan, UniCredit Unlocked, setting out our strategic imperatives and financial ambitions as we move into an era of purpose, growth and value creation."
🎙️A. Orcel, Group CEO
: tonight
lights up in the colours of the Italian flag as a sign of solidarity and encouragement for all our staff, customers and the local regions affected by
: Francesco Rocca, President of
, thanked
team for their generosity “Thanks to your donations, we continue to expand, investing in services and training for volunteers to be at the side of those who need it most".
: The Journalists Association “The Group of 20+1“ has selected Jean Pierre Mustier, Chief Executive Officer of
S.p.A, as “European Banker of the Year 2018“. 🏆🇪🇺
We are proud to announce the launch of
, a new online platform with relevant info to support our people, clients and communities through this challenging time. We are One Bank, One
and we are stronger than
CEO, Jean Pierre Mustier: "
is a day for the celebration of workers around the world. So I want to take this opportunity to thank you, again, for your amazing efforts in these unusual times."
: al via ieri
, progetto di financial education sui temi dell’educazione al risparmio e agli investimenti, mirato a sostenere i cittadini nel realizzare scelte consapevoli. | LINK:
launches its first Diversity and Inclusion Week, because diversity is a key to innovation and growth. Different points of view need to be openly expressed so that we remain a pan-European winner.🤝🌍
(member of
Group) has been selected as “The Most Innovative Digital Bank of the World” by
ıKredi has collected 30 awards, meriting the “Best Integrated Corporate Bank Site” award by for its corporate digital channels.
Devrim niteliğindeki teknolojilerimizle uluslarası ödüller almaya devam ediyoruz! Şimdi de, The BAI Global Innovation Awards’dan iki birinciliğin sahibi olduk!
: today is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: we emphasize that every human being has the right to live in dignity and respect. Let’s speak out against all forms of discrimination.
: an international task-force of designers, architects, engineers, medical professionals, military experts and NGOs is creating
hospitals from shipping containers.
sponsors the first prototype in
We commemorate our former Chairman Fabrizio Saccomanni a year after his loss.
A un anno di distanza dalla morte, commemoriamo il nostro ex Presidente Fabrizio Saccomanni.
: This is the
2019 holiday album, a special present for all our followers to say thank you for sharing and liking our posts. 2020 will be full of new initiatives, keep following us! 🥂🎉2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣
Investing in the enhancement of proprietary digital channels to ensure a reserved, high-quality dialogue: through this constant commitment
announces its withdrawal from
starting from June 1.
’s Group-wide employee fundraising initiative, in support of three of the Italian hospitals most involved in the battle against
, raises over 1.2 million € and 3,016 donations in just 2 weeks.
is proud to announce that it has been officially certified by the
Institute in 2019 for its exceptional employee offering, reaffirming the Group’s status as a great place to
. 🕴️🕴️♀️🏅
🗞️ 🇮🇹🇩🇪🇷🇺🇭🇷🇧🇬
: Jean Pierre Mustier thanks
employees for donations supporting health services and funding
research: "We will continue this initiative until the end of the month as well as launching others in our countries".
: His Holiness Pope Francis met with a
delegation led by our Chairman Cesare Bisoni and our Chairman-designate Pier Carlo Padoan, who presented
, initiative in support of significant social impact projects.
💬 "Eastern Europe is a growth area where our revenues are expected to grow above 6%" ⏩
🎙️ Teodora Petkova, Head of Eastern Europe
Il presidente di
Fabrizio Saccomanni e l'amministratore delegato Jean Pierre Mustier, anche a nome del Consiglio di Amministrazione e di tutti i lavoratori del Gruppo, esprimono il più profondo cordoglio per la scomparsa di Sergio
Oggi su
e non profit, la spinta di
alla crescita
. «Vogliamo utilizzare tutte le competenze della banca, del nostro mestiere, per supportare iniziative che siano sostenibili».