If you're just getting started with React then take five minutes today to read this article. It lays out the most common problems you'll run into with React. This will save you a lot of time - I can guarantee you'll see these issues!
In case you missed it, here are the ReactConf 2019 live stream links. Includes talks on a11y / accessibility, Relay, concurrent mode, progressive web animations and much much more.
Day 1:
Day 2:
Excellent tutorial on creating a 'wizard' type form with React, Redux, and Redux Form. Bookmark this link - almost all apps end up needing wizard forms of some type!
Fascinating tutorial from
with version 2 of "Build Your Own React" from scratch. 8 complete chapters that include details on createElement, render, concurrent mode, fibers, render and commit phases, reconciliation, functional components and hooks.
Create React App v3.3.0 was officially released last week with added support for generating a new app with custom templates, optional chaining & nullish coalescing operators. Also, as of now, it appears CRA has dropped support for global installs.
Developer of the popular React Table,
has just released the React Query Hooks library for data fetching. Some key differentiating features are built-in caching, unique query keys, garbage collection + more. Latest release supports Suspense.