New NEWS is not North,East,West,South now. It's Natural Aristocracy, Emotional Intelligence, Wokeness, SelfActualization.
DM me with Q's.
Writing my book He Talks To Me, Too, was something that took a few weeks over Christmas 2012/2013. I hadn’t planned on writing it, but it just occurred to me to do so, and my journals I had kept ever since 1992 stood me in very good stead with the project. It actually opened the
I became Muslim because I am impressed with how Muslims live. I'm not passionate about religion like others I see, but I am afraid for my moral development if I'm not a part of any organized religion. And I do believe that the Quran is scripture and that Mohammed was a Prophet.
With all due respect to Sunnis, I can't quite wrap my head around Omar killed his daughter or one of his daughters. I know it was before he reverted to Islam, but still...does one need religion to know not to bury your child alive?
Although Sunnis and Shias disagree about Aisha and her character, at least both agree about the excellence of Khadija. A role model for all women for sure and one of the Prophet's biggest supporters.
[Thread] Unpopular opinions:
1 Now that I'm Muslim, I wish to move to a Muslim country as soon as I can afford it because I read in the Quran that Muslims shouldn't live under taghout.
I am too evil to become Muslim, but if I ever joined a religion, it would be Islam, as they represent the best people I've ever known. I've made my decision as to which sect I'd join, but I will keep it private. I wish that I was good like Muslims, but at least I KNOW I'm not.
I'd never say this myself because I don't know him but I've read people say Walsh's problem is he's a grifter. His controversial takes are designed for lucre. I hope this isn't true but it's a fact he never went to college. I feel sorry for him. Pray he can find an honest job.
Any system that dehumanizes people and turns them into heirs and spares rather than human beings is not a system that is legitimate.
I'm the kind of Muslim who takes Islam one day at a time, not hurrying myself, grateful that I'm at the point in life where I am, hoping for better, but not losing my critical reason skills--I have faith that eventually God will guide me to the exact right path.
How often the partner will hope to have sex
Will the wife ever work outside the home
Do you snore
Is separate bedrooms desired by either partner
How are multiple marriages viewed? How are temporary marriages viewed by both?
It's hard to fathom how someone who calls himself a Muslim can tell me to f*** off in my DMs and I'm a kufr. Why? Because I had the temerity to be giving attention to the Shia. Not a kind gentleman and he wouldn't say it if I were a man and he wouldn't say anything to a Shia.
Women wearing hijab does not mitigate their freedom. It enhances it. It gives us freedom to have less than perfect bodies (because they're covered), and removes the likelihood of being appreciated only for the body. If he admires your spirit, it will never grow old.
If someone encourages me to read as much as I can about Islamic history (or anything), I trust them far more than someone who says, "Oh, don't go near such and such. Way too dangerous." This is what the elite do. Highly sus.
Recent messages:
From a Shia: I don't care if you're Shia or Sunni, Allah loves you.
From a Sunni: You're a guy with a fake account.
May God spare me from bigots, intolerant, foolish, fanatical bigots.
I know Western men can be Muslim men, and a few Western men are wonderful, but in general, Western men are to Muslim men what children are to adult men.
Either that or he should marry someone he knows she's insecure about, like a thinner friend or someone whose looks are a lot better.
12 months in a year. 12 inches in a foot. Abraham's grandson had 12 children. 12 tribes of Israel. 12 Christian apostles. 12 members in a jury. 12 hours in daytime or nighttime. 12 noon. 12 midnight. 12 imams.
Don't stand with any political party. Be an amphiist, and side with principles, rather than parties. That way you're not a dupe. And you can be fair when anyone does something good and enriches humanity.
A wife has the duty to satisfy her husband sexually and accommodate him, and a husband has the duty to satisfy his wife emotionally and make a concerted effort to understand his wife's feelings. These aren't sacrifices; they are a couple who understand their roles and limits.
Question for the Shias: If the Prophet named Ali as his successor, why would he need to write it with a pen on paper? Wouldn't people have already known?
Ladies, remember: Guys don't care about looks as much as women do. It's a myth. Be height-weight proportional within 20 or so pounds, and be NICE and supportive. Women, on the other hand, have a long list of demands that they wish would be met. It's very interesting.
Here is not what is tolerated on my timeline:
Islamophobia (Anti
+ rhetoric
I'll tolerate anti-white racist words and Trash talk directed at racist whites permitted.
I'm convinced if we pretend what we're doing isn't a sin, it will be impossible to repent. The first step to repentance is acknowledging that what we're doing is a sin (unless there's genuine confusion about a more minor issue). Saying something isn't a sin doesn't absolve us.
In life, we will be happier if we do not get overly upset if something bad happens and if we do not get overly happy when we think something goes right. Emotional equilibrium is a lot more important than extreme reactions.
To the criticism I've received (among many others!) that I try to cause trouble b/w Sunnis and Shias, this is absurd. I think Muslims should unite and battle Islamophobes nonviolently through education. Plus, amphiism is all about fairly analyzing any group with all perspectives.
It's been a long haul. But I do think that if someone waits until they're worthy, no one would ever join. Hopefully I make friends within the Muslim community so that I can be taught what I really need to know.
I predict that in ten years, by 2034, if things keep going the way they are headed, white women will wholesale reject white men for black and Arabic Muslims.
I feel for Meta. I remember the last time I had a 390 million euro fine. I'm still recovering. Haven't been able to afford going to a movie since.
Men don't like to be considered victims; they want to always appear strong. But they can be often victims of women who pretend to be one person while trying to get a man to marry them and then after the marriage, they become someone totally different.
When I said I wanted to be educated about Islam, I meant about the doctrine and history, not having people who don't know me offer their subjective opinion on everything I do and/or say.
We completely barred Shia’s from praying in the MSA room at my uni lol.
Those Shia’s were forced to congregate outside in the cold and pray on their little rocks, rain sleet or shine, all year long.
I was surprised when I learned that Shias hate homosexuality as much as Sunnis do. I'd have expected more tolerance but I did a poll and almost as many Shias viewed homosexuality as a sin.
There are some male Muslims on here who seriously need to pay attention to THEIR sins, rather than offering a new person each day to criticize. We appreciate your near-perfection, but perhaps you could share an inspiring story about how YOU repented of a sin and became happier.
Anglican is not a real religion. It was created in order to secure a divorce for a monarch. Nothing spiritual about the Anglican church which ironically frowns on divorce--the original reason for its existence.
The best thing about Shias is that they have a realistic view of life. They don't distort events to make them fit their narrative. You can see the light and love on their faces.
There is nothing wrong with either position, but I'd like to clarify:
The man on top can be straight, bi or gay.
. When a Muslim, for example, dominates a guy, it is not due to inherent homosexuality. It's about domination, control, power and testosterone.
If Tate weren't a celebrity but just an average bloke on the street, and guys heard Tate's views, they would have no use for him whatsoever. But the famous have a small type of glamour that lends fake credibility to their opinions.
There are natural remedies relevant to different areas. Is it possible that God meant different religions for different geographical areas? Like herbs grow naturally in some areas but not others, and they are meant for some things in some areas but not others.
When I mock white people, it goes without saying that I refer to racist white people only. Such losers can repent only by submitting, completely, to their muslim and black men. Consider it
. Violence is not the answer. Sexual subjugation is.
I hope that in 50 years, history records how much of an advocate for humanity the magnificent Maajid Nawaz, but maybe he'll fall through the cracks.
White guys hate it when I defend Muslims. They often post my pic as some kind of gotcha. Muslim guys never do this as they love all women. That's one reason why women worldwide prefer Muslims, especially Arabs.
Islamophobes need to be educated as to certain elements of Islam so that they gain a fuller picture. Such as how when a man marries, he's financially responsible for his wife, even if she's rich herself. Her money is her money and his money is his family's.
None of you pathetic
would dare make your racist claims to a Muslim guy's face. They would destroy you one on one. Of course, most Muslims hate violence because of their religion.
In the West, the pendulum of justice has swung too far in the opposite direction. Initially, women were not treated with the respect they deserve; they couldn't even own property. Now we have the situation where feminists wish to own men. Throughout, Islam's protected women.
Instead of focusing on Sunnis and Shias, my time would be better spent showing what Islamophobes have wrong about Islam. I believe Sunnis AND Shias are muslims and therefore on a far higher spiritual level than nonMuslims.
I think part of the reason why some insult Ali is because they don't understand his gloriousness of character. The actions of such an emotionally intelligent man fall outside the scope of their limited understanding.
Did you know that Muslim men will graduate from a university, but stay an extra year so they can protect their female relative when she won't graduate for another year? Don't be duped by the mainstream media! They protect women.
When you make a mistake, don't argue that it's not actually a mistake and that you were justified. Acknowledge the mistake, start the process of repentance, and be honest about it.
I think that one of the main reasons that the West hates Islam is because in Islam, there is no exploitative interest. Since Western business makes most of its money from such exploitation, it stands to reason that Islam is the enemy.
In general, people don't wish to be old. They prefer to be young and vibrant. But there's one incredibly wonderful aspect of being old like me. My knowledge of human nature is greater than it was before, but of course I make mistakes. The young place FAR too much faith in people.
Scriptural evidence for Sunnism: Quran Surah 2: 48 And fear a day (of Judgment) when a person shall not avail another, nor will intercession be accepted from him, nor will compensation be taken from him, nor will they be helped.