Okay so, y'all know i'm italian, i love you moots with all my heart but if you follow this person and find this funny unfollow me right now.
You should be able to respect your italian moot about a sensitive and serious topic.
My dear Sua, i can't begin to imagine how you're feeling, i'm so sorry, other words would be superfluous, i'm just gonna send you the warmest hug, he will always watch over you, he will always love you, you're loved Sua
I'm honestly glad he apologized or this will never end, even though we know how k stans are... so idk when all this story will come to an end, i hope the company sues people but i doubt it. I wish he didn't have to apologize though, he didn't do anything, they twisted his words
You deserve all the happiness and love this world can give you, i'm so happy you found someone who loves you, we love you as well!!, everybody shall love Holland because he's precious
Indipendentemente se la conosciate o meno, se abbiate visto Glee oppure no, dovremmo tutti sperare che la ritrovino, prima di essere un'attrice è un essere umano, dobbiamo tutti pregare che la trovino, mi si stringe il cuore...
Happy birthday to my little daisy, the person i loved from day one.
I hope many people will give you lots of love in this special day, you deserve all the love you can get.
I love you Hanbin 🩷
In today's episode of Bea's lost causes we will have the fascinating story Cravity's Hyeongjun's lost eggs.
Song Hyeongjun of Cravity told our journalists (whom i thank immensly for their meticulous job) that he recently bought 10eggs, but after some time they disappeared
How many times do we need to go through this pain?, how many?, i'm so heartbroken, i don't know what to do, i feel stuck, i can only offer my condolences to his loved ones adn a virtual hug to every fellow fan
Questo farsi i cazzi degli altri e giudicare non lo capirò mai, se a quell* piace starsene in casa a non fare un cazzo buon per lui, io ho BISOGNO di uscire e svagarmi ALMENO d'estate
Adesso basta, ho parlato abbastanza, adesso è il momento di soffrire in silenzio per un pò, io Moonbin voglio ricordarlo così, con quel sorrisone che ho sempre amato.
They really stay silent when something is really wrong but then they act all big and mighty when when there's to twist someone's words, i hate them
Ciao, mi è arrivato il tuo tweet in timeline, mi si è spezzato il cuore leggendo.
Mi dispiace tantissimo :(
Non so se in certi casi ci siano parole giuste da dire, sinceramente anche se ci fossero non mi verrebbero in questo momento, ti mando un abbraccio caldissimo :(
y'all are shitty people if you do that, y'all need to understand that if a person does something wrong it doesn't mean you have the right to say whatever the fuck you want to say
Come fa la gente nei commenti a non capire che si riferisce agli uomini cis... ah giusto, sono Americani, a scuola non gli insegnano nulla, dimenticavo.
Kpop companies in general seem not to care about idol's potential, they just have to sing dance a certain style and be pretty, it angers me a lot, THEY HAVE SO MUCH STUFF TO SHOW, COME ON
Thank you for brining attention to this, it's important that what is happening to our boys reaches as many people as possible
If people have some empathy in them they will get it. Idols are humans and when a humans passes it's sad. Doesn't matter if x person knew them or not. What saddens me is that empathy seems to be rare in this world...
Boh secondo me la gente ha un'idea di ciò che è carino/romantico completamente distorta, sarà anche colpa dei media che consumiamo non so, poi si parliamo del fatto che non sappiamo mai come sta gente potrebbe reagire perché i no sono apparentemente vietati 💀
I only respect people like the person i'm qrting, people like OP do not have my respect at all, Yeonjun is a person before he is a member of TXT.
Neither Yeonjun, TXT, Moonbin, Astro, Moonbin's family would be happy about what OP said.
I.. just dont like the wording of what OP said, people really dont respect him as an individual who lost his friend instead putting the other members into a situation that involves a person who just passed away. This is not called “representative” he attend bcs 🌙 is his friend
It's spring now, little rose, i hope you, just like the flower you love, will bloom and return to be the kind and full of love men you've always been, the rose, we know, is a strong flower with a deep meaning
Why are they everywhere? they just have to put their group into every conversation about any topic under every comment section of every account 😭 it just doesn't make any sense to me 😭
No one had any doubt he would be there, he loves Astro members, with his whole heart, doesn't matter if he left the group, he loves them
Chan è un vero uomo, Chan è informato anche sull'universo femminile, sa capire le donne, sa ascoltarle e sa dare loro conforto e consigli, ciò che distingue un ragazzetto da un uomo è la maturità d'animo, un uomo vero si informa su tutto prima di parlare, sa argomentare
This is an invite to ALWAYS be kind to others, this is why it's so important to never judge and never hate, even when people do something wrong, idols are humans with feeling like all of us and they have the right to be loved, i hope this serves as a lesson to whoever
As a society we could not ignore his cry for help and so we started investigating.
We interviewed some of the members, these are the most relevant facts that came out from them:
Yeah this is a problem Flora has and it comes from her good heart and mother instincs (?) It all comes from a good place but she needs to understand that being overprptective like this is not fair towards Miele