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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ



Developer free speech livestream. On an artistic journey of inspiring imagination. I only write what comes to mind. Truth? You decide.

Truth, humanity, planet care.
Joined January 2009
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Ironic that humankind hopes to find intelligent, empathetic life on other planets, but as a species we've little regard for the empathetic creatures living on this one. Only by sharing the planet equally with all others, will humanity ever understand the true value of the world.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
3 years
One long, loud, lingering note must be played out across the world. It must be heard, it must be clear and resonate from country to country. The #ClimateCrisis is real. We can heal our wounded world. Humanity holds the key. We are hope. We believe. We must #SavethePlanet .
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
If we only live for ourselves, we live for nothing. Those who leave behind vast wealth and possessions; the grave they'll occupy will forever be remembered as a shallow one. The world is about life; all life. We are all family, all earthlings. Our planet cannot have a pricetag.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
9 years
New! The MineEye Blog. @UrsulaLygarlis Interviews with authors from
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
I own a human heโ€™s my pet Heโ€™s worshiped me since first we met My human pet is old and bald But always comes when he is called Iโ€™ve got him trained around the house But he simply cannot catch a mouse His cooking skills are pretty poor He serves my food upon the floor He picks me
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Birds are born to fly and were given the sky, lions are born to roar; their roar should never be heard from behind a locked door. To save the soul of humankind, all creatures must live free, unconfined, not as slaves. Only in the camera lens should earth's creatures be captured.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Forests; the cathedrals of the earth, nature's work of art and every branch paints the sky. A thousand years of memories reside inside a single tree. Free to walk beneath them, to listen as the wind rustles their leaves; to find history, before history leaves us all behind.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
1 year
Dance in the memories Of times of love and loss Toss away the burdens Not be a stone that gathers moss. For time is but a passage A route we each must take, It shapes us in our passions Divides at each mistake. Each day is borne for making Not consuming in a fire, Love is
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
I have no home, no loved ones of my kind, forever I'm confined. Why do others stare at me? Share the reason, I must pass each season and all time within this place, rot and die without a friendly face that does resemble mine? My crime I do not know. Please can someone let me go?
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
1 year
Not all guardian angels reside in our perception of heaven, there are many angels with wings; bees who make honey, the birds that sing, who bring joy; true fruitfullness to the world. To watch wings unfurl, to see feathers touch against the sky. Or to observe a butterfly's
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
1 year
The insect community Has no immunity To a well cut lawn Where they cannot spawn A natural garden is always best To welcome in our insect guest When planting seeds For butterflies and bees Sunflowers empower Alyssum and Delphinium Should have dominion Foxglove they love
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
As children we had the freedom to live in sunshine, to hike through forests, over hills, to run wild without fear. We had a future. We are older, moving into the past. We must do what we can for generations to come. Animal, insect, human, all have a right to live. #ClimateCrisis
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
In life too many people believe that it simply ends in death. The last breath is not the end. Truth beyond our existence comes as our eyes close. How did we leave the world? How did we treat all others? This is the true value of a life; not in what we had, but in what we gave.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
1 tree provides $73 air conditioning, $75 erosion control, $75 wildlife shelter, $50 air pollution reduction. Mix the total $273 for 50 years at 5% interest, results in a full value of $57,151. The statistics define human thinking, but trees are still chopped down to gain money.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
1 year
I was once a tree that stood for a thousand years, but now I am but a stump reduced to tears and firewood. My value was in my standing; proudly towering above the ground. The sound of birdsong filled my branches, for nature I could do no wrong. I was there to purify the air, and
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
In civilized society humanity should not be able to look directly through iron bars or through a pane of glass into the eyes of a wild animal. We confine ourselves into boxes when living or dead, but a box or cage is no home for any other living creature, unless it is by choice.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
We are the dust of stars and whether or not we believe in an eternal soul or the final fall, the universe exists within us all. There is no limit to the heights we can reach or the depths we can sink. The future is ours to make, but it is not a future we should take from others.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
We must purify the mind to purify the earth; find within us a deep respect for all who fly, walk and crawl. Never walk asleep, nor talk with hate or allow greed to consume our every need. Not too late to understand that our greatest strength is not a fist, but in a helping hand.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
1 year
There is blindness In the world, A deepening lack Of human kindness. Greed beyond need will never succeed In changing Every living mind. Giving is key; Compassion To lift us free. If we choose to Offer no resistance To persistent cruelty Against our earthly brothers and
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
From root to branch; all trees carry memories, embedded in history, wedded to the land. Trees flower, and grow; great power in every bough, for without the tree, there is no here and now. As their roots uncoil, each know the value of the soil and branches high to purify the sky.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Let us seek truth without insult, find love without hate, listen without judgment. We will never be civilized until we learn to recognize the rights of others. Treat all earthlings the way we wish to be treated. Honesty, equality, kindness and compassion can reshape the world.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
1 year
The heron on the lake Did not stir and make you wake But by my side I saw you stand And point to him with your hand We talked, I listened, I saw you glance At butterflies flying in a dance And all at once I saw each wing Carry you free from suffering But your smile and love
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Not anti human, simply pursuing the dream of a better humanity. Not politics, but care, concern for the planet; her trees, insects and animals have no vote. The meaning of life; kindness, protect the innocent. To live and survive we need to love our diverse, extraordinary world.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Tiptoe if you must, but no matter how small, stand tall. Little steps each day will lead to great change. Be humble, without ego. To create an earthly heaven where we tread; we must remain with our feet upon the ground. Remember, heaven is beneath our feet and also overhead.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
We all need to care; the planet is our greatest treasure, but Want and Need are very different animals. Want always consumes Need and never stops feeding. Therefore, we must not measure our value by material possessions. We must stop our destructive obsession of taking too much.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
The human animal does not appreciate the ecological value of earth's creatures, valuing wealth, status, power instead. Worms and ants care more for the planet than humans do, their power and importance at our feet. Humankind must educate and understand the value of every kind.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
The tree grows; no one knows his final height; the true spiritual might of each branch that reaches into light. The tree of life looms everlasting; 5000 years in bloom. Never felled, held in high esteem by gentle human hands. Trees; beacons of the earth, all the dreams of life.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
We are all the flowers of the earth, we either grow, or wither, or fall among the weeds. To seed ourselves in great beginnings, we must find a way, make each day, worthy of our being. Seeing in the light, until the time we fade to earth, exist only in a seasonal rebirth.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Most parents endeavour to try to teach their offspring what life means; love, kindness, empathy, compassion for all creatures and in turn our offspring teach us the meaning of life simply by looking at us.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
A Simple truth is always worth repeating. Money does not give us value, earn respect, make us decent. Those who use money, to pursue more money, or take from those who have less, or possess wealth to the point that it possesses them, suffer a sickness that will end our humanity.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
9 months
At the heart Of all that's wrong In the world; The belief That some lives Have more value Than others. We must try To see eye to eye; Empathy for all Who live; all who die. No matter how much We possess; it matters less. At sunset, the richness Of the Earth Will be our final
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
No ego. No virtue signalling. A unified, collective voice. Not powerless. Not hopeless. The key to our futures cannot be carried in someone else's pocket. Alone. We think on action. Together. We take action. It is those who are disaffected that will always change the world.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
8 months
In life; Too many Believe, That it simply Ends in death. The last breath Is not the end. Truth beyond Our existence Comes as Our eyes close. How did we Leave the world? How did we Treat all others? This is the true Value of a life; Not in what we had, But in
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Life is a spiritual experience, but the physical aspect of being, must never be put aside. Respect for nature; seeing her value in every aspect. Residing in a world, not separate, but unified. Not to stand aside from earthly life, but to exist meaningfully, within all existence.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Not as we look; the content of a book can never be defined by the cover. Feel empathy; know prejudice kills the human soul, stains the past, inflames the present, destroys, darkens the future. To grow we must see through the color of our eyes; not judge by the color of our skin.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
To rise we must at first descend, for those who possess humbleness, who never look down on others unless it's done to lift them have found the true foundation of success. Yes, try to be humble for the wisest individuals alive are those who die knowing that they know very little.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Live for the moment Each second of time Glimpse simple beauty In the structure of rhyme Touch a lone snowflake On the tip of your tongue Or remember the words Of a song you once sung Cherish the thought Of gentle laughter Remember a kiss Of love ever after Look at the world
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Our Save the Planet Group began due to our love of art, music, literature. Creativity was at our core. Despite the loss of our founder, it still is. From the tallest tree to the smallest flower, from the earth to the sky. We love the planet. It's our honor to be her caretakers.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
The door to a better world. Opt for sustainable transport. Encourage vegan diets. End toxic pesticide. Fossil fuels stay in the earth. Invest in renewables. Restore nature to absorb more carbon. Reduce plastic. Reduce human consumption. Protect forests. Protect oceans, rivers.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
If we treated all animals as our children; nurtured, cared for their wellbeing, humanity could finally see and learn the true definition of humane. The pain and suffering of innocent sentient beings; a dark reflection of humankind's desire to comsume without seeing consequences.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Many humans turn a blind eye to wrongdoing, blatant abuse, corruption if it doesn't fit their agenda or political perspective. Until humanity confronts with full vision and clarity its own hypocrisy, the planet and all upon it will suffer. Animals do not lie for their own gain.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
1 year
With each step we choose to take, We can either break, Or gather. From the smallest; To the tallest, Together we can Teach a positive way. To cradle; make able, Not lay waste To the very place That gifts us life, And lifts us. The choice within our hands? To walk asleep or wide
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
We cannot detach ourselves from the planet; nature herself defines existence. In the blink of an eye humanity can become extinct. Those who do not think on tomorrow; who reside in acts of always taking will fall with the rest of us. Rich, poor, indifferent; natural law decides.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
9 months
We must not let What we possess us, Possess us; Too much of everything, Leaves us with nothing. To merely walk Upon the Earth Is a miracle in itself; A wealth of mystery At our feet. Under every stone, Every tree, History unfolds. The wealth of nature Must not be
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
8 months
Forests; The cathedrals Of the Earth, Nature's work Of art And every branch Paints the sky. A thousand years Of memories Reside inside A single tree. Free to walk Beneath them, To listen, As the wind Rustles their leaves; To find history, Before history Leaves us all behind. From
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
If we can only be one thing to each other, let us at least be honest. For in many hearts and minds, there's a forest of deception. The more we choose to lie; the more the branches tangle and tie, until the lies blot out the sky; lose us forever. Never forget; deception blinds.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
9 months
We are each A piece Of this puzzling planet. In the end We blend with the soil Or carry on the wind. Behind us and in front of us Is everything we are And the nothing we will be. Only here, now, can we make An earthly difference. Open the door to change And life is limitless.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Despite darker aspects of humanity, the drudgery of daily existence, there are instances of wonder beyond our door; amazing sights never seen before. Moments to treasure, to make the measure of life reach a higher scale. We must never fail to see this world with all her beauty.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
We are each here for each other. Until we learn, understand that the space around us is for all, humankind will always remain small, selfishly confined by its own ego. Richness is in soil, air, water. If we pollute the elements that nurture life, no amount of money will save us.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Before we can begin to reconnect to the world, we need to reconnect to each other. Every tree cut from the earth, every animal or insect that dies due to us, guts humanity of worth and value. We must see through all eyes, not only our own. We are not alone, we must share always.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
1 year
Wherever they tower, The power of the mighty tree Is in their every bower. Trees purify the air Sweep across the land. Trees provide a habitat Keep intact millions Of species that protect Us from disease. Trees cool our concrete city Streets beneath our feet, Protect
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
On this earth, those who seek their worth in the wrong place; gathering money as if raking leaves on a fresh cut lawn will not benefit any race. Our place among the trees, flowers, animals, insects; equal not apart. Each heart beats with her own wealth each a heart of the earth.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
To create a deeper connection with all around us, we must see through all eyes, not just our own. None of us are alone; we are together. To know life's meaning, we must have full understanding. We must lift all others; for life can be a gift, as long as we are willing to give.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Eyes closed creates a world in darkness; begin to open them again, leave darkness behind, to see with an open mind. Step forth into a forest of deeper thought, intertwined with dreams of how the world must be, never confined by negativity. Be free to give, so all of us may live.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
The New Year begins and we must renew, rethink our love for all things living and growing, for that is the true path of knowing life's meaning; to give unselfishly, to teach each other that humankind can be kind. The reality is; we are all the brothers and sisters of the earth.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
The Save the Planet Group has been given love today. Thank you, but each of us are the same. We must look after the planet, her animals, her insects, her plants, her trees. Finally, we have a short time to take care of each other. That is what we must do. We are all caretakers.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Wisdom, kindness; always bound together. Profound reality; not in how we look or see. Vision alone will never weather a storm; beauty; merely skin deep. Kindness makes each of us beautiful, no matter how we look, dwells in the heart of everything; our greater vision of humanity.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
From the bees point of view, this is something that's certainly true; the greatest pest is pesticide. Wherein poisoned nectar can reside, in stamens upon which they settle; from neonicotinoids sprayed to kill a stinging nettle; or a so called troublesome weed, in hope that the
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
The past lives in all of us, from the first second, until the last final breath, all we are, all we once were, defines and shapes existence. Those who arrogantly think the creatures of the earth beneath them or lust for power, will at some forgotten hour, be beneath the earth.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
1 year
Remember, We are the memories That we create, It is never too late To findย aย better path; Be mindful, to care, Share; unite together. From the humdrum; the mundane, Beyond pain and suffering, From tragedyย to positivity, Humanity is; Only one defining creation Of this living
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Those who give their time to benefit others are the true brothers and sisters of the earth. To lend a helping hand; to understand greater need, to know every hour spent is borrowed from the maker as in the end we only ever have tomorrow; one day, never more, time is merely lent.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
I was once free, until humans caught me. Yes, I bite, I scratch, if provoked I can hurt you. I'm a wild animal, born to be wild. I'm not your pet, your slave, I should not be in a cage. Remember my face, I will not forget yours, yours is the face of one who will harm us all.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
The Starry Night Toad, feared extinct for over 30 years, was secretly protected by the Arhuaco community in Sogrome, who respected the frog's habitat as a sacred location. In 2019, the tribe permitted researchers to encounter the toads and allow further efforts to protect them.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
The reality of being alive is a miracle in itself. Whilst we live, we either thrive, or give in to despair. Be wary of the future, proceed with care, but remember, wherever flowers grow, there is the power of hope. Despite pain and suffering the world remains our precious home.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
There has been a more than 75 percent decline over 30 years in total flying insect biomass. The cause of insect decline is greatly debated, but almost certainly includes habitat loss, #deforestation , chronic exposure to mixed #pesticides , and #ClimateChange . We must take care.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Sometimes we don't need a hashtag, we just need to talk to each other, to listen, to care. The Save the Planet Group believes in humanity, believes that there is purity of spirit, compassion, empathy. We're all in this group should we choose to be. We can all change the world.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Gentleness, kindness can have hands and paws, four hooves, strong feet and a breast that beats with the same heart. You, I and all see through the same eyes. We share love, know fear and in gentle strength, we all carry the mantle of responsibility; not to dismantle the world
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
1 year
The gift from Mother Nature, we must never squander, all that we alone should give to the earth is our strength to make her stronger. We must awaken to reality, that a brittle planet, leaves little behind. All we find in nature must be left behind to grow, to thrive, to exist
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Regardless of species, a mother is born to nurture, care for her young. She should never be separated from her offspring, nor suffer torture at the hands of another. We should be as brothers and sisters to all. Never tools in a trade, made only for suffering. To treat all others
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
The do not mind and the never mind exist as one. The indifference in thought lies between ignorance and knowledge, but never finds the truth in its assumption. Whatever we do may seem insignificant, but something must be done. Our differences matter, but the world matters more.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
China 2022; Giant pandas are no longer classified as 'endangered'. After their population increased by 17% in a decade, the species is no longer at risk of extinction. Expanding the panda's natural habitat has resulted in the giant panda population growing to 1,800 in the wild.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Groundbreaking human endeavour, has broken the ground that surrounds us. Reaching for the skies; high aspiration, has bought a world where many humans and animals die in abject desolation. We knew what blind ambition would do. We must reject the old ways or new days will be few.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Sadly twitter permanently suspended, with no explaination @OracleOfTears @RamonaMystic @percy_bloom @KarliaMyaKelly @Amarasolomon7 @ElektraMadrigan @savetheplaneto3 @HimenaStar @AlexLDeMarchi . I politely ask for a like? retweet? In hope that @TwitterSupport may reinstate?
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
1 year
Resilient germination; nothing stops the determination of nature. Through solid cement, life can thrive. How to keep nature alive? Do not simply lament, germinate, plant seeds; feed the earth. Grow bee friendly flowers. Look down; see the power in your hands. Never give up. The
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
To dream of a better world is not enough, only when all of us believe this can be done, will everyone on earth be protected. Each of us have a responsibility to the rights and needs of all creeds and races. Give love to all to make this beautiful planet a caring place to live.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
The world does not revolve around us. It revolves with us. Those who think they are running the world are running it into the ground. #Oil and #FossilFuel is polluting the soil and sky. We must demand an end! We must protest or die! Unite and fight for the #ClimateCrisis is now!
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
We must not let what we possess us, possess us; too much of everything, leaves us with nothing. To merely walk upon the earth is a miracle in itself; a wealth of mystery at our feet. Under every stone, every tree, history unfolds. The wealth of nature must not be bought or sold.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Underneath the willow tree I laid the wreath; It spoke in silent words, written in tear tumbled ink, telling of my love for you through every wonderous year. I would not forget when we danced below the shady green, caressing our hair between the flow of the blowing leaves. Those
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
The endless human value of the world lies within the endless dust; human greed that dies with all of us. What we possess; material possession is not the truth of honest need. The polluted earth we find beneath our feet to be our last retreat and all we value will be left behind.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
My lady's hair is thick and black, Mostly growing on her back. Her teeth are yellowed; a hint of green, Toes so furry; with skin between. She smells of grass and fresh veg, has furry knees upon each leg. Dark eyes that sparkle, Her lips protrude. She's always caring; never rude.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
We walk in the light and shadow of the past, from the first step to the last, we are bound to the earth. We can soak the ground in tears or value the precious years ahead, if not we walk the footsteps of the dead. Live life to understand; remember, the land is for all of us.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
We; the Save the Planet Group, stand with the women of Iran and all citizens of oppressive countries. To look away, to be silent in the face of injustice is to be complicit. The right to individual choice, to have our own voice, to live free, must be the right of all earthlings.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
6 months
Never be, What you are expected to be. Never see, What you are expected to see. Speak with a greater Depth of belief; Leave no stone unturned, Learn all you can. No man, or woman, Should ever walk alone. No one, Shouldย be unknown; Set aside, ignored, forgotten, Or liedย to;
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
1 year
Try not to infect The soil by pesticide, Select a better way, For Earth's protectors Reside inside And they will die. A natural garden; Is the purest home, Where bees And other Insects roam. Only pure rain must pour, For this is nature's law, Her way, To wash away the
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
In the UK from the 1st of October 2022, 400 years after beavers were hunted to extinction and after reclaiming a foothold in their native land in recent years. It's now illegal to deliberately capture, injure, kill or otherwise disturb the lives of these industrious animals.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
1 year
The spirits of the meadows Are dancing through the trees Romancing fields of buttercups Blowing falling leaves Reaching for the heavens Drawing light down from the sun Soaring through the shadows Now the new dawn has begun Flowing in the fountains They sweep down tumbling
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Those who choose to know the true value of the earth, must grow, never lose their worth. Those who dig, enslave, will carve a grave for all and even fall themselves. All riches turn to dust; all things burn, but the world will turn. The life we knew, will renew without us.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
If trees, animals and insects could talk, we'd have no choice but to listen. The lesson in each voice would be; 'To survive and be free; to thrive through every season, we must learn to cherish all or fall and perish in our turn. For life with no good reason is not to be alive'.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Humanity must not simply be connected to technology; there is no wifi in nature, but there is a better connection. The world is not something we should see only through windows. Sometimes we need to switch off, step out, see for ourselves the beautiful world we're fighting for.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Before we think to judge others, it's said we need to walk a mile in their shoes. A few extraordinary, altruistic people have gone one step further, given their shoes. To feed the soul, to grow, we should bow to the needs of others. We are all brothers and sisters of the earth.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
May each of us find peace and meaning this Christmas Day. May the sublime embrace us. Whatever our faith, or politics, allow us to put aside our differences, bring light to the New Year ahead. Tie a bow to another's heart and grow; the gift of love and kindness can be in all.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
If only the animals, insects and trees could talk. If they could speak, how loud would they cry? Would they ask for help? What would their dying words be? Would they ask to be free? Would they be resigned to their fate? Or is it too late for humanity to ask... What is humanity?
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
The tears of the earth are our tears. The years we are given are a small gift of a lifetime and pass in the blink of an eye. We cannot merely think on a better future. We have to act, create hope. There is only tomorrow and unless we change ourselves, we cannot change the world.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
If the moon were a balloon, we'd hold on tight, never let go, we'd grow in size and stature just to hold her weight, not lose her from our sight. Here on earth we are all attached; the living to the dead; all connected upon the thread. Yet many cut the cord with knife or saw and
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Despite severe habitat loss, poaching, hunting #ClimateChange , floods, the Greater one-horned rhinos have been saved from the brink of extinction. By 1900, fewer than 200 remained, but there are now more than 4,000 due to concerted conservation efforts in both India and Nepal.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
1 year
Dawn rose within a furnace of burning sunlight Night had passed and spring had drawn to a close As the summer sun arose like a burning orange eye Within a sky of blue and wispy red Birds flew in the wake of the new day Wings strong and silent Memories of the winter grey Long
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
Mother Earth; a complex consciousness expressed in fire, wind, air and water; she herself; a daughter of the universe. Animals, birds, insects, forests share her voice. Humanity her wayward child has one last choice; to be past or future? A voice of desolation or transformation?
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
At the heart of all that's wrong in the world; the belief that some lives have more value than others. We must try to see eye to eye; empathy for all who live; all who die. No matter how much we posses; it matters less. At sunset the richness of the earth will be our final home.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
2 years
If value in life never extends beyond the chain on the front door or a shallow pursuit of money, earth will remain a soulless home for the narrow mind. Four walls and a locked door does not make our earth secure. The goal; be kind to all on planet earth, she is worth everything.
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Save the Planet Group ๎จ€๐ŸŒ โณ
1 year
I may have died But in you I live I am the warmth In your hearts The love you give I am the flowers That grow The air in the breeze I am the summer breath That blows Through the trees I am the glinting Sunlight upon the sea In truth I am everywhere For I am free.
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