I'd rather pay for a small business owner who provides jobs to others, than some entitled, useless liberal arts major, who will do nothing for anyone else then themself.
Umm in my 90% white school back in the 80's and 90's we learned all history black and white, so sorry your argument is bullshit and I'm far from racist!
Not even close to Trump lady, get real and open your eyes, instead of continually being brainwashed by these liberal satanic losers
You apparently don't know how the system works...If he didn't take this deal the liberal prosecutor, d.a., and judges would've fried him.
Are you kidding the NY justice system is one of the worst on America, damn you are soooo blind yo reality. Wait till you or your loved one is raped, murdered, or robbed, by someone this justice system let out with no bail after their 40th arrest!!!
It wasn't just the toe link, the lower control arm was bent also. Two big fixes in 10 mins is impossible. This new car is a headache to all.
Unreal, these idiot-libs think they can intimidate our Supreme Court Justices, by starting an insurrection in front of the Courthouse right now! They all should be locked up!
But all that extra money is going back to the school to churn out more indoctrinated idiots! Aren't you proud to be giving back to others, or do you only deserve the freebie, off of my hard work and sweat???
So monkeypox is not an std, but only homosexuals get it... I guess all those high fives in the lgbtq community are spreading some serious shit lmao...
41-year-old Shannon Brandt in North Dakota. FIND this loser and make him pay for killing an innocent 18 year old kid for no reason except Bidens hate for AMERICA
Wow dumb it down even more huh. We can't take that many people in that quickly, it doesn't work. So 75% will never go to court, but that's ok as. Long as they vote Dem right???
No, they just take over cities, burn down police and government buildings, rape women, beat and steal from people, rob stores, harass and assault police officers, hmmm what did I miss...
Climate??? Dumbass is called the INFLATION REDUCTION ACT, NOT CLIMATE REDUCTION ACT!!! Unreal how gullible and stupid democrats are...
Such a waste!!! I've never been to Arrowhead and just can't afford it right now, from Jersey and its a ways to travel in today's economy!
You know they founded and defended the KKK, or do you only believe their fake history. Read it for yourself. Then you'll realize you've been bamboozled this whole time! Enjoy!
Shoes you how dems don't care about ANYTHING, Law, children, respect, or anything. Lying, hypocritical, disgusting, lovers is all need to say.
You were with your KKK buddies back then, violently protesting this and now you claim you march with them,
. Your a pathological liar and hypocrite.
: thank you for supporting local radio stations and listeners by cosponsoring the Local Radio Freedom Act! I urge you to oppose the AMFA which would hurt local radio.